Depends on where you got the torrent, but those seeders might actually be just wrong reports by the tracker. It has happened to me as well. I’ve left torrents for months just to see if it will eventually start downloading… nope, just sitting there, idle.
Can’t say what the real reason behind this is, but my best guess is some bots are reporting wrong info via DHT and/or the trackers. Why? Have no idea, your guess is as good as mine 🤷.
I use Firefox as my daily driver but sometimes sites just work better on a chromium based browser. I had been using Brave but it seems like they keep adding on more bloat (crypto, VPN, AI) and I’m over it....
You could actually install Windows on btrfs with that driver 🤨? Never tried it… but would be willing to try, since I’m sick and tired of Windows store corruption 😒.
These darn icons are pissing me off and there’s not a whole lot i can find in the settings. So on the right sys tray, the bluetooth and network icons are perfect; that’s how I want ever icon to be; perfectly sized, it’s clear and detailed, it looks proper; same with the date and clock. The notification, wifi, and battery...
Hm, that is weird… they should change with the theme…
I don’t know if there is an xfce comm here on Lemmy, but if there is, it’s best to ask there, since this is an xfce specific thing (KDE or other DEs may implement this differently).
EDIT: There is, !xfce, but the last post there is from 4 months ago 😔.
Trying to understand "Stalled" Status
So a file I was needing is showing as 9 seeds, 5 peers, but its stalled....
What chromium based browser do you recommend and why?
I use Firefox as my daily driver but sometimes sites just work better on a chromium based browser. I had been using Brave but it seems like they keep adding on more bloat (crypto, VPN, AI) and I’m over it....
GNOME is (Gradually!) Dropping X11 (
[SOLVED] Can't access drive on linux/windows dual boot
I have two drives, an ssd with windows and ubuntu installed in dual boot, and an hdd with some personal files....
How can I fix these darned icons in Zorin Lite Xfce??? (
These darn icons are pissing me off and there’s not a whole lot i can find in the settings. So on the right sys tray, the bluetooth and network icons are perfect; that’s how I want ever icon to be; perfectly sized, it’s clear and detailed, it looks proper; same with the date and clock. The notification, wifi, and battery...