No, it’s worse. Alpha is actually the first letter in the Greek alphabet (unlike Sigma), should have went with Omega if they really wanted to change that.
Yeah, I use it as well 😂. Hell, if it’s for a baby’s skin, it can’t hurt for grown ups 🤷 😂.
Does wonders to be honest, rashes gone in a day or two. It really is a great product (and not that expensive as well). Would recommend it to anyone if you can find it in pharmacies 👍.
Yes, gramatically, it’s similar to Bulgarian (we don’t have cases like the others, we solve that with adverbs and adjectives), but in terms of words, it’s similar to Serbian and Croatian. Regarding sentence structure, yes, it’s similar to Bulgarian, with emphasis sounding more like Serbian or Croatian (Bulgarian sounds more like Russian).
Slovenia was under Austro-Hungary during the last 5 centuries (20th century excluded), so they have a lot of German (Austrian) lingo in their vocabulary, plus sentence formation is also kind of confusing (for me at least).