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Share your favorite automations

I’ve been running HA for a while, and it’s been working well; I haven’t had to change much in a few months. That being said, it’s fun to tinker with it, and I’m curious to hear what kind of automations the rest of the community is using. What automations are you most proud of? What are your favorite? What kind of...


Sunset and sunrise automations. Lights on and off, vacuum run times - all adapted to presence.

Made the litter-robot auto-repair when it enters trouble states. Better history of all elements controlled.


More people need to track to your point about The Troubles. It’s where I’d think things progress.


Disassociate. And do it a lot.

Or have meds.

Cannot recommend and I’m sure mine was minor.


Quick nofe: Albertsons and Kroger want to be one company. Soon.


Wife had an important conversation with her adult son. One of those, “I didn’t tell you this before because you were a kid; you are clearly an adult now. There are things in family history that you should know.”

Went well. I wasn’t there because I’m not blood and wasn’t around for the relevant events. Besides, they need time without step-dad.

Spent entire day worried for them and hoping it would go well. Sounds like it did. Good outcome for a kind of draining, high-stakes day.

Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos?

like you know you’re a good person at heart but life circumstances and trauma and bullying and etc prevented you from learning the proper social skills to find companionship. not necessarily a forum to actually find friends (i find going into things with that intention feels fake and weird), but rather a forum to commiserate...

APassenger, (edited )

Reddit had things like over40, over50, and conversation subs.

If lemmy doesn’t have that, I think it should. Those were good places, less bubbled, and often more grounded. Just limited patience for those who constantly need help.

But if conversation is what’s desired, those worked.

I may not know you, but I hope the responses help and that your week kicks some ass.

Here’s to a good 2024.


If you find this meme relatable due to anxiety (I do), meditation helped me so much.

My employer pays for a meditation subscription and it didn’t just teach me breathing or how to think about “nothing.” It taught me to note the thought/feeling, label it as one of the two and let it go.

I’m not where I want to be, but I’m much closer.


We’d have to account for their height, wouldn’t we?

APassenger, (edited )

I heard somewhere that spirituality is the easing of suffering. Maybe that was from Mark Manson (Subtle Art, YT channel, etc.).

Something in that statement works for me. I’m not superstitious nor do I hold beliefs in the supernatural. But I do undertake efforts to ease suffering - whether that’s meditation, readings, or reflection.

I think many have a spiritual need. Anxiety, depression, grief, changing moods, and more reveal that need. There’s an emotional (“spiritual”) suffering that we hope or need to salve.

Then I think we overshoot the mark.

It’s easy to want concrete perspectives when the world is dark, unjust, or foreboding. Attempting to meet those need with concrete answers helps feed the rise of religion.

I can’t fault the feeling of needing certainty, but I’d hope we can find ways to ease suffering without the use of delusion or lies.

Having said all of the above, I’m an Atheist. I think in rejecting religion, we have, also, overshot the mark.

People need each other. We need the things and rituals that help us find or move closer to peace. We are emotional, feeling, social animals and we’ve wrapped ourselves in new certainties and - sometimes - self-righteousness.

We need people. We need respect. We need love. We deserve human rights. We, also, need to learn how to transcend some of our injuries so we can navigate more effectively. That can be family, community, or national politics.

I’m not talking about losing boundaries. I’m talking about using them differently. Yesterday was MLK Jr day. He set boundaries, but he didn’t do it in hate or overt shame and anger.

He just did the work that needed to be done with the clearest eyes he could. I hope we, the materialists, can find a realistic perspective that doesn’t over-celebrate reason, and forgets the rest of our experience.

Reason tells us we feel. We hurt. We hurt others. We need something (reality-based) that reminds us to tend to ourselves and our communities.

We need balance.

I’ve wandered some in my response. It helped me to type, maybe it helps someone else, too. Either way, I liked your comment and it spurred thought.

Thank you.

Is there an app or way to set a start time and end time and totally simulate an automatic sunset with Hue lighting

I want to set a start time and end time and have my Hue lights slowly and very gradually over that timeframe shift from like yellow–> red or even white/blue at the start of the day–> red at end and have it automatically carry that out....

APassenger, (edited )

Yes. I did it myself, configurable duration. Three sets of parallel color values…

I’ve almost posted on Lemmy before, but the script is too long (the variable RGBs drive the length)… It is absolutely possible. Starts white, moves gold, peach, pink, red, then blue. Brightness subsides with time and sun’s position.

I use home assistant to make it happen. The software is free and an RPi4B+ doesn’t break most banks.


Type 2, fast walker here. I walk for my health and I enjoy the cardio and feeling.

You know who’s really unhappy?

People in sports cars.

I mean… Think about it. Walking fast is still slower than almost all other means of transport. People in cars must always be grumpy as hell.


Time to turn off the holodeck, Barkley.


I never watch that scene without laughing uncontrollably.


Nesman, in the parking lot.


I would like to try some stuff that’s part of Meta, but they’re part of Meta.

Def agree with your point.

APassenger, (edited )

I can travel the galactic plane with my spaceship oriented any of 360°. Straight is straight.

What I don’t understand is why they were even close enough for the image. If subspace comms are a thing, a solar system length may be just fine.


I haven’t seen it mentioned in the sections I’ve scrolled.

First, there’s some great advice already out there. What I’ll add: breathing exercises, especially box breathing. That, with meditation, has helped me. That can be Headapace, Calm, YouTube, and more. I’ve found the voice and timbre of the speaker matters to me and changes how well it works.

My wife likes some people, I like others. And that’s okay.

The breathing and meditation never immediately helped until I’d learned how to transition to a more “present” frame of mind, but they helped me build the pathway/shortcut.

Stay strong and we’re pulling for you.


What happens when you mention the pain to the medical staff? Are you out patient or in?

It’s small comfort to know the pain decreases. I remember a surgery of mine and the pain was… Unrelenting and deep. They gave me effective meds, eventually, though. I mean, what they gave me worried my wife because it was - or could have been - addictive.

Lucked out that didn’t happen. But the point is, meds exist that help, I’d think.


I’m glad sleep helped. Rebuilding and healing take a lot of energy.

Hope you continue to see steady improvement and can get back to launching kayaks (if that is, indeed, your thing).


It’s been a few days, how ya doing?


Myers Briggs is thoroughly debunked.


Accessible debunked ideas are not a useful baseline.

Flat earth is more accessible, too.

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