Image shows a tweet with the header “and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH” with an image attached showing the following:...
You have to do it without looking tho. That said, I actually found them easier than hdmi. With hdmi, even if I have it the right way I sometimes think it’s the wrong way because it isn’t aligned properly.
Seriously. I don’t want to install something on my phone when the dev is just using a WebView, if that’s what it’s called. When the app is basically just a website with the browser hidden....
We had a project once that ran completely fine as a website except for the ability to scan bar codes. That one thing forced us to create an app and the rest of the app was just showing the website.
Tried our hand at making deep dish pizza for new years. Turned out quite good but I’m no expert so I can’t say how accurate it was. I am told the toppings are supposed to all go under the sauce but I couldn’t resist putting some pepperoni on top
Which pill do you choose? (
Some of y'all need to see this and drop the superiority complex... (
Image shows a tweet with the header “and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH” with an image attached showing the following:...
Duh ! (
Why is this so hard (
You can only pick one (
"Kids these days" by Extra Fabulous Comics (
Why are there so many apps that could be websites?
Seriously. I don’t want to install something on my phone when the dev is just using a WebView, if that’s what it’s called. When the app is basically just a website with the browser hidden....
Dreamcatcher (
Mayo, mustard or ketchup?
Choose wisely.
What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year?
Let me load it (
Hill to die on (
Chicago style deep dish pizza (
Tried our hand at making deep dish pizza for new years. Turned out quite good but I’m no expert so I can’t say how accurate it was. I am told the toppings are supposed to all go under the sauce but I couldn’t resist putting some pepperoni on top
I can't stress enough how much I don't care. (
How to stop eating junk food?
I am eating too much junk and processed food while watching movies and youtube videos. I want to stop as it affects my health. Any suggestions.
18+ Milking machine (
A self-care reminder (
In case of emergency, open crisps bag (
Source: ……/no-crisps-only-toby-this-is-a-redra…
What is your favorite part of the day?
People that have eaten tripe, is it more musclely or cartilagey?
You are what you eat, I feel like shit.. (
I'm just going to leave this here (
Judgement (
double take (
Dozing (