You still don’t explain why it’s, in your opinion, necessary to remove voting rights.
You put that it they shouldn’t remove those for small infractions, but that the administration can’t decide on a line where voting restrictions should be put, and therefore just blanket bans every from from voting.
Also it’s somehow ok that after people have finished their punishment, they should be punished some more by stripping them off even more rights.
All of that greatly reduces chances of rehabilitation and keeps criminals in the criminal sector. I fail to see why even minor infractions should lead to lifelong consequences.
I tend to like the volunteer-read audiobooks on librivox and recently was curious about their Sherlock Holmes books (never read or listened to before), but I’m wondering what else is out there and popular in the community.
By the mental gymnastics they have applied to make Stalins brand of communism into their ideal they have actually learned to embrace authoritarianism.
They think that the only way that communism can be manifested is by first destroying the western capitalist society and they think Putin and Xi will help in this endeavor.
It’s quite delusional (as both are openly embracing capitalism) and quite the opposite of how Marx thought communism would take place, but that’s what they seem to think.
Toen ik het programma voor het eerst zag staan dacht ik dat de titel iets infantiels beduidde, en daarom noit overwogen het te kijken. Echter het is een zeer goed gemaakt satirisch programma met ook de nodige maatschappelijke kritiek, erg de moeite waard imho
As a long time Reddit user, there's something about Lemmy and the fediverse that feels really refreshing and new. I think it has to do with a few things......
I like Douglas Hofstadter’s concept of the soul as a self referential mechanism. His book: ‘I am a strange loop’ expands on this, which is a bit more spiritual (for lack of a better word) expansion of his ideas in Gödel, Escher Bach.
It also explains how your own loop incorporates and curates the memories of the people you love and how you’re able to live, and see though their ‘eyes’ after they have died.
So the soul of others finds an explanation in yourself, and allows you to live in in other people’s minds, without any super natural constructs.
Dit soort dingen is precies waarom een begeleid levenseinde extreem belangrijk is. Als dat gebeurt via een traject waarbij wordt vastgesteld dat er echt sprake is van een uitzichtloze situatie en niet een opwelling.
Mensen die zo doortastend en wanhopig zijn om deze route te kiezen moeten ook in medische/psychische wijze worden bijgestaan.
I mean like even if someone is for example criminal or scumbag they are still human and hoping for someone to die or make jokes of someone's loss of life isn't right. Or does someone think it is justified? I think it's morally wrong.
Ooit had je mensen zitten bij de ns die wisten wat er gaande was bij de buitenlandse vervoerders omdat dat specifiek hun vak was. Die zijn weg bezuinigd voor automatische systemen, die niet, met elkaar kunnen communiceren.
De koninklijke trein gaat met pensioen. Na bijna 160 jaar zullen het koningshuis en buitenlandse staatshoofden niet meer met het rijtuig reizen. Het vervoersmiddel is aan het einde van zijn levensduur, meldt de NS. In de toekomst reist de koninklijke familie met reguliere treinen.
given how little one vote matter, it seems to me that stripping felons of their right to vote is both petty and counterproductive if the point was to reform them into civic minded individuals ?
Also, seems kind of scary that this implies a future where so many people are in prison that their vote could actually tip the balance ?
Hey Lemmy, what are some good public domain books?
I tend to like the volunteer-read audiobooks on librivox and recently was curious about their Sherlock Holmes books (never read or listened to before), but I’m wondering what else is out there and popular in the community.
Why do Gezendong-style-tankies support Putin and Xi-Xinpin so much ?
Why would communist support capitalists like Putin and Xi-Jinping which aren’t better than Liberal-capitalists ?...
Which one are you? (
Perschef VVD biedt excuses aan na afpakken microfoon journalist (
What is something you think leftists are not ready to hear but need to hear it?
That’s leftists. Not Democrats. Anyone to the left of Democratic socialist. So not Bernie Sanders either.
Experts 'zetten vraagtekens' bij doodschieten wolf die boer aanviel (
Kabinet-Rutte IV valt: partijen worden het niet eens over migratie (
Rutte IV is dood, leve Rutte V
Why does Lemmy feel so fresh compared to Reddit?
As a long time Reddit user, there's something about Lemmy and the fediverse that feels really refreshing and new. I think it has to do with a few things......
Is there a line from a movie that really resonated with you but when you say it most people don't get the reference?
Mine is from an early 2000s film called Vanilla Sky....
Atheists/agnostics of Lemmy, do you believe in the existence of souls?
If you do, then what exactly defines a soul in your view?
Verkoper zelfdodingsmiddel voor rechter: 'Moeten zelf kunnen beslissen' ( Dutch
Waterschappen helpen boeren met ‘onverbloemde greenwashing’ voor EU-subsidie ( Dutch
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What do you think of people making memes/jokes about the recent Titan tragedy?
I mean like even if someone is for example criminal or scumbag they are still human and hoping for someone to die or make jokes of someone's loss of life isn't right. Or does someone think it is justified? I think it's morally wrong.
Minister Wiersma stapt op na klachten over wangedrag ( Dutch
De dubbele pet van woningbouwbazen ( Dutch
Dit is een reportage van: Milena Holdert en Nina Jansen....
Zonnekalender langs de Waal: archeologen ontdekken 'Stonehenge van Nederland' bij Tiel ( Dutch
Het Twentse Sint Isidorushoeve verzet zich als een Gallisch dorp tegen nieuwe zoutwinning ( Dutch
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Vier vervoerders strijden voor een plek op het internationale spoor ( Dutch
Gaan we binnenkort de internationale treinen ook opknippen naar verschillende vervoerders?
Koninklijk rijtuig na 160 jaar met pensioen ( Dutch
De koninklijke trein gaat met pensioen. Na bijna 160 jaar zullen het koningshuis en buitenlandse staatshoofden niet meer met het rijtuig reizen. Het vervoersmiddel is aan het einde van zijn levensduur, meldt de NS. In de toekomst reist de koninklijke familie met reguliere treinen.