I just rewatched gremlins, and beside some jumpscares it’s pretty camp and tame.
But then the scene comes where the Santa Claus gets stuck in the chimney, discovered due to the smell. This is not shown, just a story that gets told pretty off handed.
I realized that that was the part that made the movie scary to me when younger. And it colored the rest of the movie darker, too.
I like Douglas Hofstadter’s concept of the soul as a self referential mechanism. His book: ‘I am a strange loop’ expands on this, which is a bit more spiritual (for lack of a better word) expansion of his ideas in Gödel, Escher Bach.
It also explains how your own loop incorporates and curates the memories of the people you love and how you’re able to live, and see though their ‘eyes’ after they have died.
So the soul of others finds an explanation in yourself, and allows you to live in in other people’s minds, without any super natural constructs.
As a long time Reddit user, there's something about Lemmy and the fediverse that feels really refreshing and new. I think it has to do with a few things......
De koninklijke trein gaat met pensioen. Na bijna 160 jaar zullen het koningshuis en buitenlandse staatshoofden niet meer met het rijtuig reizen. Het vervoersmiddel is aan het einde van zijn levensduur, meldt de NS. In de toekomst reist de koninklijke familie met reguliere treinen.
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What movie scared you shitless when you were a child?
For me it was Event Horizon, that was scary as hell when I was a kid, I had nightmares for months.
Atheists/agnostics of Lemmy, do you believe in the existence of souls?
If you do, then what exactly defines a soul in your view?
Why does Lemmy feel so fresh compared to Reddit?
As a long time Reddit user, there's something about Lemmy and the fediverse that feels really refreshing and new. I think it has to do with a few things......
Koninklijk rijtuig na 160 jaar met pensioen (nos.nl) Dutch
De koninklijke trein gaat met pensioen. Na bijna 160 jaar zullen het koningshuis en buitenlandse staatshoofden niet meer met het rijtuig reizen. Het vervoersmiddel is aan het einde van zijn levensduur, meldt de NS. In de toekomst reist de koninklijke familie met reguliere treinen.