You could do that in old cars too, without even changing anything. A lot of them had a separate ring inside the speedometer showing KPH. But that doesn’t mean the person understands the distance when told that their destination is 47 kilometers away and they’re accustomed to miles.
I used the chests mainly to hold camp supplies, and also a loot dump when there was a lot of valuable armor to loot that was too heavy to carry. Loot until full, send to camp, loot more. Go to the vendor, sell all, go to camp, grab until full, go back to the vendor.
I think I was at about 160 hours when I finished the game, and I did everything I could find in Act 3, so you might be close to the end. I possibly skipped some content in Act 2 though, and I didn’t do the mountain creche.
It’s proprietary software. You can’t know what they’re actually doing without getting a job there and getting assigned to that project. But given Facebook’s long history of user hostile behavior, the statements from Zuckerberg that people who trust him are idiots, and the class action lawsuits against them for violating consumer trust and straight-up selling user data, I wouldn’t believe anything they say. Why use a 3rd party app run by a user hostile company whose entire business model revolves around capturing user data, when there are better alternatives out there? I understand that I’m preaching to the choir and I apologize. I’ve had the same argument with my two best friends trying to get them to use literally anything other than Whatsapp and they won’t. So we still communicate with a group sms on our phones. That’s better than Whatsapp as far as I’m concerned. You have my sympathies since your group is probably too big to just refuse to participate in and still get communications from.
Some couples keep separate budgets, so they can buy whatever they can afford without consulting the other person. But buying your spouse or a kid a $60,000 Christmas present is definitely rich people shit.