Your accusations and refusal to actually explain anything in a meaningful way is an example of why people who don’t fully understand a new concept outright reject it, instead of discussing it more until they reach an understanding. But I have other meaningful responses that are actually helpful. Good day.
Yeah that’s clear. As to the why, I suppose it’s because our brains are wired to categorize things and find patterns everywhere. It is useful to have labels for groups with common traits, although I do recognize the issues with that when it comes to systemic discrimination.
Yo, it’s Save Our Ship, not souls. Elderly people are more likely to need to call emergency services, so having a dedicated button for it seems like a good idea.
I had a babysitter like that. One girl literally kicked my ass when I refused to go to bed, as in she kicked me right in the ass and told me more was coming if I didn’t get. Just like with Calvin, it worked. I went to bed and shut up.