How have I never noticed this?!? What the fuck? I’m like middle aged and have liked dragons as long as I can remember, and I never noticed the difference. Dayum dude, don’t trust me as a material witness, that’s for sure!
That’s good to hear! I haven’t played durge yet, I just read a lot of feedback that it’s lacking quests and gear. I’m planning on playing as durge on my next playthrough. Are there special dialogue options if I choose the white dragonborn character instead of making a custom one?
Even if I was evil, I’d never team up with someone like him, unless he could provide me with something that I couldn’t obtain without him. He’s incredibly selfish, arrogant, and condescending. I can’t see any evil -or even any good- character I play tolerating his banter, and demands. The only reason I didn’t kill him outright in the first playthrough was because he killed me when I tried. LOL. I just wasn’t powerful enough the first time through.
Evil isn’t about being a murder hobo, that’s more of a homicidal maniac than an evil character (although it’s still evil). A lot of times it’s about being completely selfish, and self absorbed, but also manipulative to get what you want. Some of the most successful people on the planet are evil, hell, possibly all of them. It feels like there should be other rewards for an evil path.
I haven’t actually played durge yet, but I’m planning to this next playthrough. I’m almost finished with my 2nd playthrough, which was supposed to be an evil playthrough, but at each choice, knowing how much I would be missing out on led me to helping and saving people, instead of telling them to fuck off and then hitting them in the face with my sword. Except for Balthazar. I wasted no time talking to that ugly bitch. I just attacked him.
I’m pretty sure it’s the strongest build in the game. Monk/rogue probably has better damage output and definitely has greater movement, but none of the utility. There’s nothing that any companion can do, that my bard can’t do as well, or better. AOE damage was one area he was lacking, but I picked up a couple of different spells when I reclassed and he has that covered now too. I was thinking about doing a playthrough using this build without any companions as durge.
Edit: one thing he is missing is spell sculpting for avoiding friendly fire with AOE spells. The wizard is still best in that area.
Dang, I did reclass and it didn’t fix it. Although I went from bard/paladin to paladin/bard. Do I need to pick a completely different class? That would be annoying, since my bard has like 50 spells and actions on the context menu that I just got all set up again.
I wanted a new car anyways, and rates on car loans are way better than rates on credit cards or jewelry loans. How is using equity from paid-off assets being bad with money? She’s happy, I’m happy, and we’re doing well.
There is not vegan cat food that works just fine, and you’re a fucking asshole if you force an obligate carnivore to become a vegan because of your personal human beliefs.
Yeah my wife saw her ring before I paid for it. But I still spent a decent amount of money for it. I sold my paid off car and financed a used car to pay for her ring. I don’t regret it one bit. We’ve been married for a decade and a half and she still adores her ring. Different people are different though, and you should know what kind of person you’re proposing to, long before you propose. My wedding ring was $30 on Amazon. LOL. It’s just a titanium jobbie that works perfectly for me.