
People seem to be freaking out about vegan thing.

I am pretty sure the artist is referring to the owner literally going out and buying either wet food with meat chunks or some other meal with meat directly in it, as opposed to dry food with no meat bits.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, (edited )
@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

Kibble is still made with meat in it it’s just been pressed and dehydrated.

It’s a reference to some stupid ass vegans that think obligate carnivores can survive on a plant based diet.


I’m aware healthy dry food contains meat. It’s fundamentally necessary for cats. I could understand vegans not wanting raw or preserved meat in their house, and I think having dry food would be an easy compromise for most vegans, but the ones who are very loving of their pet companions would keep wet food and meat treats for their cats despite it.

Quite frankly if a vegan is so bad at research that they don’t know cats need meat, I doubt they’d realize that dry food contains meat, and vice versa.

I think you are assuming something worse to be needlessly angry. I think you have an implicit bias that most vegans are idiots and that’s lead you to your assumption.

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a reason I said some vegans and not all.

I don’t really care what people choose to eat. If you’re vegan good for you, same with vegetarian or whatever diet you prefer.

I’ve just seen stories about vegans starving animals of proper nutrients trying to prove animals can survive on plant based diets and it’s been a joke for a long time.


I am doubtful the author is going to drop something macabre like that, as a passing statement, in a comic about a robot wondering if he’s loved.

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

I mean they’re already referencing that loving something means giving it what it needs to flourish despite personal beliefs.

That’s kinda the same reference just with a positive spin attempting to informative


No such thing as a vegan cat. No such thing as a vegan cat. No such thing as a vegan cat.

@Kiwi_Girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hey, I found this.



Taurine and arginine aren’t just desirable for cats, they are essential—without sufficient taurine, your cat will go blind.

Ok. People who even attempt to put their cat on a vegan diet should Fuck off forever.

@Kiwi_Girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Please read the next line

Fortunately, taurine and arginine are both easily synthesized from vegan sources.

Smoogs, (edited )

BOOM BLOCKED another animal abuser.

Claidheamh, (edited )

That’s a very balanced and well written article, thank you.


Hey, vegan.com is as reliable a source as Trump.com. You’re a fucking moron.


Can you try to be less toxic to others?

TheControlled, (edited )

I won’t be forced to politely tolerate dumbasses.


Your username suggests otherwise.




You chilled out yet?


Depends. I’m pissed off again because I’m compelled to read a book I hate for class and it’s like nails on a chalkboard. Regarding this string? I don’t know. Using coarse language and calling people idiots when they deserve it isn’t something I consider bad or regretful, though I admit I was extremely pissed off by the amount of vegans coming at me with anti-science/pseudo-science crap. Otherwise, I’m pretty chill and plan to chill more with a Stella and videogames. Thanks for asking I guess.


You’ll get through the book, just a matter of time. The Stella and video games is my go to chill out.

You have to remember that vegans feel very strongly about their position. They are derided by even their own family for their beliefs which can make a person very frustrated with the state of society. It’s hard to see things from a non meat eaters point of view but I encourage you to try. Thanks for responding and all the best.


That article actually gives some strong arguments to not make your cat go vegan…

@Kiwi_Girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah that’s a good thing. Being vegan is a luxury for a lot of people, due to meat subsidies and societal pressures at present.

I just enjoy hearing other people’s perspectives on this kind of stuff.


The comic said the cat was fed meat though

crazyminner, (edited )

Vegans that are Vegan for the animals probably wouldn’t feed a cat other animals, it makes no sense. There is Vegan cat food that works just fine.


Vegans for the animals that own an animal and deny it the choice of food are hypocritical.


Sentient beings aren’t food!


wouldn’t feed a cat other animals, it makes no sense. There is Vegan cat food that works just fine.

No! Cats are obligate carnivores. A vegan diet would literally kill them painfully.


I call bullshit on your anecdotal video from deranged people with an obvious agenda.

Cats are carnivores. Forcing a vegan diet on them is animal abuse and anyone who does so should never be allowed to care for animals again.


In the link I sent there are references to plenty of articles. Just scroll down.


cats are carnivores. no diet will ever change that. feed your cats meat.


If you knew the history of cat food you would know that even meat made cats sick without added synthetic taurine.

They have since added taurine to all cat foods.

Vegan cat food is perfectly healthy for cats.


You’re willing to toy with making a cat blind AND spread information. Fuck off forever.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Food is just chemicals and it turns out it doesn’t actually matter if the chemicals have a soul attached to them or not. Personally don’t think vegans should own pets at all but the whole “they carnivores tho” is rly dumb


Vegans wouldn’t “Own” someone else. Plenty of vegans rescue other animals and take care of them as wards.

I personally don’t use the word pet when referring to non-human animals in someone’s care.


Why not? That’s the exact scenario the word applies to.


Because I use the same word for human animals and non-human animals. I would call a foster kid my pet. I call them my ward or a ward of the state.


Was curious so I looked it up.

Couldn’t find anything backing up your claim that meat without synthetic taurine makes cats sick (which sounds like BS) and actually find some info that said that long-term affects of synthetic taurine is unknown in cats, and may not be as bioavailable for them as animal-based taurine.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar
null, (edited )

Not seeing the word “synthetic” there chief. Wanna try again?

Also from your article: “Cat foods that contain high-quality animal-based protein will supply adequate levels of taurine for a normal, healthy cat.

Supplemental taurine may be added to certain cat foods, especially diets that are formulated for specific needs such as heart disease or growth and development”

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

There is literally no difference in chemical structure between synthetic and natural taurine.


You’re arguing with a person who thinks the abstract google throws at you when looking for some information is to be trusted…

null, (edited )

And even then the blurb didn’t contradict what I said at all. They’re clearly just desperate for a “gotcha”.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

No internet vegan is looking for a gotcha we’re all just masochistic

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Bro so are you just assuming every first result on google is wrong regardless of what it is?


Yes. I don’t trust these things because they are often wrong and almost always leave out relevant information. Just click on the link and read the context. It’s not that hard.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

But why would you assume it’s wrong rather than following your own advice and reading the context to see if it’s right.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Okay class

So this is taurine


It literally dont matter how you get it it the same shit


Heres an article news-medical.net/…/Taurine-Synthesis-and-Producti…


See my above comment.

Also all of that is irrelevant to the (false) claim that “cats get sick from eating meat without synthetic taurine”.


No but if you’re a vegan you can’t have the stuff out of animals; you have to make your own.

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Vegan cat food is not just vegetables for the uninformed. It is made to have all the necessary components that a car needs in its diet, mostly it is just missing the death of an animal part.


like motor oil?

@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

And gasoline you fucking idiot can’t you READ


Imagine coming into a thread about a comic and being this far off topic. Big L dude.




The irony.


Oh yeah? By taking care of my cat and supplying him with food that his body needs I’m an abuser? Because I buy meat based food from a company that buys their meat from a processor that buys their meat from a slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals? I don’t think that’s ironic, I think that’s a stretch.

Some vegans are such clueless pricks.

@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

[…] slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals

some vegans are such clueless pricks

what do you think happens in a slaughterhouse lmao?


I’m not sure. Please explain it to me, dad.

@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

judging by your snarky reply, i’m guessing you understand how slaughterhouses work.

in your original comment i replied to, you go to great lengths to illustrate how removed you are from the whole process and how uncertain you are that the slaughterhouses are even abusing their animals. if you know what happens in slaughter houses, how could you even entertain the possibility of one existing that doesn’t abuse their animals? they are purpose-built to do exactly that.


Killing does not equal abuse, ie torture. I have no doubt many slaughterhouses do, but that’s not my fault–its my shitty government’s fault for not protecting the animals and funding efforts to do so.

I still have to feed my cat what it needs. I’m a vegetarian, but biologically I’m not and neither is my cat. Unlike my cat, I have the option to become one voluntarily. Thus, meat is murder and yada yada but Mr. Whiskers needs his goddamn catfood.

@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

in what world does killing not equal abuse? needlessly taking a living being’s life is one of the greatest abuses one could enact.


Because it’s not needless. While I don’t eat meat, it will take centuries to eliminate it’s consumption on this planet, including for pets because of how calorie rich it is and culture. But it’s really not needless because cats need it. To ya know, live.

I’m not going to go off the cliff with you about veganism and ethics and everything else. It’s a joke of a debate because veganism is incompatible with anything but veganism. No thanks, leave me alone.

@businessfish@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

but it is needless. we as humans have no place being the caregivers of carnivorous animals, we do not NEED to do this. ideally we can transition to a world where cats and other carnivorous pets can live without human intervention, but there is a population issue there.

obviously it will take time to phase out but claiming it is necessary is just false and not a step in the right direction. i’m not telling you what to feed your cat, what to eat, etc. i can’t make you care but i can’t let pure cope like “slaughterhouses may abuse their animals” go uncorrected.


If I slit the throat of my daughter that would be considered child abuse among many other things.

You pay someone to slit the throat of others. Slitting anyone’s throat without their consent is abuse.


Sorry to say but non-humans are used for food and your daughter isn’t. I’m sure she’s delicious though.

So abuse of an animal for sadistic/neglectful purposes is different from killing it for food, but for humans that obviously isn’t true.

Not an equal comparison.


All meat eaters are purposefully keeping themselves clueless.


“Slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals” Slaughterhouse… Slaughter… House…

And I’m the clueless one…


I’m. Not. Slaughtering. Anything. You want to change the system, be my guest. But it’s a matter of biology, not ethics.

Cats are fucking predators and that’s final. People like you feed newborn babies oat milk and then are shocked when it dies. Indeed, clueless. Give vegans a bad name.


“I pay someone to slaughter someone” = “hurr durr I’m not slaughtering anyone the person I paid to slaughter someone is!”


Yeah pretty much hurr durr


There is not vegan cat food that works just fine, and you’re a fucking asshole if you force an obligate carnivore to become a vegan because of your personal human beliefs.

crazyminner, (edited )

I’m the asshole for not paying for animals to die?

Makes sense when you actually think about it for more than one second.

/S just incase.


Don’t adopt a carnivore if you’re not willing to meet their biological needs. It’s not a complex solution.


Except I would be meeting their biological needs. Y’all really don’t like understanding science do you?


Cats eat no plant matter naturally. Absolutely none. If you have studies somehow proving that they can live by eating only things that they naturally never eat, feel free to educate me. But as far as I’m aware, attempting to put cats on a vegan diet is animal abuse.


I agree with you but cats will eat some grasses occasionally.


You agree with someone spouting incorrect statements?


I agree with their overall point, yes.


Their overall point is the first line which is wrong.

@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

No, robot, you’re loved. We scoop all the poops you make. We feed you all the food you need…


And you haven’t chosen a name yet, but I’m happy to start calling you a nickname based off “tin” since you are made of metal.

  • Tin man
  • Rin-tin-tin
  • Tin-o-beans
@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

I can also call you Siri

ChickenLadyLovesLife, (edited )
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