Either I am a moron and did not realize this since it only shows me left-wing news because that's all I prefer to read, or I am still a moron however you are making a conclusion with zero facts and spreading misinformation.
OP, not only are you a sexist moron, but you have proven to also be a humble idiot aware of his mistakes.
I have no issues seeing porn on here because I don't have the maturity of a child like you do, and I hope one day you will grow up and not allow a harmless nipple to set you off.
All apps send telemetry, this includesNewPipe. Your data is in that telemetry. The less apps you have installed, the less likely your data is sent to parties that leverage your information for profits.
There is a poem inscribed on the tablet of the actual colossal Statue of Liberty, which a small part of it states:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Wherever you are right now, your uniqueness, however strange, unorthodox and indeed very wretched, is absolutely welcome in the USA despite what people say. If you come and contribute great things, and also even if you do not, there is undoubtedly a community for you here that will welcome you with warm open arms.
Your flavor of weird will find a home in the USA, and it will make the taste of this crazy melting pot of cultures more interesting.
I bet you money that you statistically use the touch screen keyboard on your phone significantly more than you ever are to your hardware keyboard for your PC.