To anyone wondering why, it is because it is Arch linux with pre-configured drivers and also it is one of the few distros that are on the bleeding edge of updates and features. Bleeding edge because one update might cut you and break everything for no reason. That being said, I've used Arch for almost a decade for my gaming PC and never had huge issues that reverting to the previous kernel at reboot did not fix.
Most realistic depictions are from the Klingons because tactically you should always face with your weapons oriented towards everyone at all times, including your allies.
@yuunikki please schedule an appointment with a therapist because you are demonstrating signs of depression in your post/comment history. The internet is not qualified to be your therapist.
Use a decentralized SearXNG instance and have it query every search engine that exists on the internet, or host your own of you're really actually worried about privacy, and never look back.
OP, not only are you a sexist moron, but you have proven to also be a humble idiot aware of his mistakes.
I have no issues seeing porn on here because I don't have the maturity of a child like you do, and I hope one day you will grow up and not allow a harmless nipple to set you off.