Why is this a both sides thing? Circumcision is a Jewish rite that became a larger thing because of a couple mentions in the Christian New Testament. It also has some medical application for individuals with certain conditions.
Doing it to all male babies doesn’t make rational sense unless you are a specific type of religious.
Because I don’t want to pay $20 and spend 2 and a half hours to decide whether I wanted to spend $20 and two and a half hours on that thing.
Reviews exist to help people decide. Of course they won’t be exactly my opinion, but they can tell me whether the experience will be worth my time and money. Or at least if the movie contains stuff that I definitely wouldn’t want to see.
Learn how to code. Look up some YouTube tutorials on python or Java to get started then go from there.
Write/ journal. Laptops are great for being in new and different locations that may inspire new thoughts and ideas. Write them down, make them into a book. This works best when you don’t have WiFi imo.
If your hardware supports it learn how to 3d model. Look into blender.
To the best of my memory, it started out as a less moderated more free speech space. But that kind of place online tends to attract racists, bigots, and haters because most places online are very free except for those kinds of speech.