On iOS you can also move up and down between lines and select text with the spacebar (hold space, tap on keyboard somewhere else with another finger, drag space to select).
Yes, which is why it is a little odd for the article author to include it without context, because we all immediately think of one social mistake that has nothing to do with Linux.
Strongly, generally, although I also try to see who they are today versus who they might have been. It also depends on what they are saying and less on what somebody tells me they believe. For example, if someone doesn’t understand or is uncomfortable with a trans person but at the same time believes everybody should have the rights and ability to live life as they choose (basic tolerance, essentially), I don’t consider that transphobic specifically. Some people would though.
I avoid altogether, look for alternatives, or do my best not to support them financially at least. So I avoid anything written by Lunduke, I don’t avoid all of JKR because I like the franchise, but I get anything secondhand.
I hate the history thing. People still go after Brendan Eich for donating $1000 to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign in 2008. Prop 8 passed with 52.24% of the vote, over 7-million California voters probably including many that people still like (thanks secret ballot). It was thrown out by courts, nothing to do with people being moral.
That’s not to say he’s a good guy I agree with, he’s said and done other things much more recently that I don’t agree with, like his stance on COVID, but Prop 8 is always the number one thing people mention.
Edit: even later on in this thread. People should boycott anything made in California if that one donation is such a painful thing.
Interestingly, UK foods destined for import in the US market use the US label and do include that information. Heinz Beans have 50mb calcium, 1.5mg Iron, and 370mg potassium per 130g serving, for example.
Mark Ewing used to wear a red Cornell lacrosse cap and when he would help in computer labs people would look for a the man in the red hat. The company was called Red Hat after Mark but their logo has been a person in a fedora for a long time.
Fedora is a community continuation of Red Hat Linux, which was discontinued in favor of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Back when I was starting out Fedora wasn’t a thing, you downloaded Red Hat Linux for free directly from the company or could buy it in a box.