I sometimes think that mine is working alright, and then I try and use it in the dark and it fails 3 times in a row because it turns out it usually gives up and uses face recognition.
And this is a proper Google phone. What must the shit brands be like?
And the only advantage is that you have more screen space which is now covered with indicators for back, home, etc, because you can fuck off if you think I’m using gestures for that shit.
Component, composite, s-video and stereo sound in one cable. Although it did mean that you’d have to be careful because a cable to something like a PS2 might only implement the lowest quality of them.
You have to remember that the underlying principle of JavaScript seemed to be “never throw an error”, even if what it’s being told to do is weapons grade bollocks.
The idea is that the average person earning will pay the UBI amount back in tax. The taxation systems will all have to be adjusted. It’s not free money on top of what we have now.
Most people will not be significantly better off under UBI, just a base level that we can’t go below, that will be there for any reason from “can no longer work” to just “want a break from it all”.