Body hair should have multiple sliders like a video game avatar. Wanna be furry all over like a Persian cat or a poodle? No problem. Want to be smooth as a dolphin? Also no problem.
My hope would be that we can transition peacefully to a hybrid model with the rising power of unions, gradual emergence of worker cooperatives, and increased demand for socialized health care and affordable housing.
However, I think it’s more likely that things will have to collapse first. Especially with violent accelerationist types doing their thing. Unfortunately, it’s far easier to destroy systems than it is to repair them.
All the “sleep hygiene” advice helps, but I also find listening to a lowkey podcast in the dark distracts and relaxes me. When I start drifting off I stop the playback and (usually) fall asleep.
I agree with folks saying charisma is an attribute of a person, and panache is attached to an action or object. That’s how I’ve always heard them used. But we could all be wrong compared to the dictionary definitions. Merriam Webster seems to agree, at least.
I tend to think of charisma as charm, and panache as style.
I watch stealth campers on YouTube, even though I have zero interest in camping myself. I’m impressed and entertained by their ingenuity and explorer approach to things. It’s also a tiny push back against a corpo-fashy culture that wants people to “spend money here or move along”. These stealth camper people are harming no one (and the good ones pick up a lot of litter). But of course the “people of Nextdoor” suburban types flip the fuck out over stranger danger, so the campers have to avoid getting caught. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want some rando squatting in my backyard, either. I’m talking about people camping in parks, parking lots, medians, interstitial woodlands, etc.
IPA is a great comparison (and I hate how “IPA” has become synonymous with “beer”). I like blue cheese, but I agree it can quickly overwhelm. I prefer to go easy with it in recipes. For salad dressings I prefer the ones that are toned down a bit.
I’ve had an Oasis since 2017 and I generally like it. I am not crazy about all my e-books being hosted in the Amazon cloud. But I made that bed over a decade ago, and will have to lie in it. I do love the convenience of e-books, too.
One thing that annoys me about Kindle is that if it can’t connect to the Amazon cloud for some reason, it will burn through the battery pretty quickly as it desperately tries to connect over and over again. This is an issue in my house, because my WiFi is filtered by a Pi Hole. So I end up leaving my Oasis in Airplane Mode most of the time. The battery lasts a lot longer that way. When I want to sync or download a new e-book, I just take it out of Airplane Mode for a couple of minutes.