With respect, I hope this doesn’t open a door of treatment strategies or anything. But to cover: I’m on year 5 of it. I’ve been doing all the things. The people in my life used to laugh at how often I was barefoot. My wife marveled at my insane calluses. I’ve always been athletic and never overweight.
But I’m supposed to have cushioned supports until it heals. Which it refuses to do.
As a teacher (not a reading teacher, not being defensive), I feel like this is the right track more than anything going on in education.
Not only is it a kids wanting their immediate gratification from social media, but parents are all addicted as well. And being stressed and all dystopiad-out. When I was a kid, I could go home and stop worrying about what was going on in the social spheres, but there is no escape anymore.
There seems to be a trend of parents spending way less time reading to their kids and needinh more alone time, and the kids aren’t demanding it as much because they are getting attention from devices.
The absolute best readers I get had parents reading to them, with them, and encouraging reading in early years to foster an interest for later.
The article says a rogue group within the synagogue claimed to have made the tunnel to illegally access an empty building next door, as the synagogue had become overcrowded and they needed the space.