According to the article, the “rumor” started in 2014 when Elon went on an interview tour and SAID that his dad had an emerald mine to multiple publications. He told an elaborate story to one about riding in his dad’s plane full of emeralds and ak-47s
The research couldn’t find financial proof of any claimed debt, since Elon won’t provide any. But “hand shake” deals about illegal emerald smuggling tends not to have a paper trail.
Then, a year after this article came out, Elon tweeted “I’ll give a million doge to anyone who can prove it existed” and his dad replied that it existed and that Elon had been there.
Errol also went on an interview tour (after this article was posted) and told multiple publications that he did own a share of an emerald mining business. But Elon wasn’t lying because it technically wasn’t in a hole, but an outcropping!
Since changing his mind on the subject, Elon had since only admitted that his start up was supported by selling his own PC for 2k, a 5k gift from his “bro” and 8k from some other guy. But later a SmAaLL LoAn (as they like to say) of 200k from his dad and others. But that was later, you guys.
Not necessarily you or your case, but I’m still convinced that a lot of people just have confirmation bias (only noticing it when it happens and discounting the thousands of otherwise innocent ads). There’s also subconscious ad effects, like you were only talking about it to begin with because your saw it somewhere because it’s been spreading by weird of mouth from people who initially saw an ad
They’ve invented some game of it, too. Their first moves were opposite sides of the board. The guy is really processing his next move and she’s waiting to see if he’ll play into her trap. True love
As a teacher (not a reading teacher, not being defensive), I feel like this is the right track more than anything going on in education.
Not only is it a kids wanting their immediate gratification from social media, but parents are all addicted as well. And being stressed and all dystopiad-out. When I was a kid, I could go home and stop worrying about what was going on in the social spheres, but there is no escape anymore.
There seems to be a trend of parents spending way less time reading to their kids and needinh more alone time, and the kids aren’t demanding it as much because they are getting attention from devices.
The absolute best readers I get had parents reading to them, with them, and encouraging reading in early years to foster an interest for later.
Look who’s talking tells some bad romance story, but with a twist that it’s through the eyes of a baby with an adult inner monologue played by Bruce Willis. He mostly tries to figure out the stupid behaviors of adults.
This demon is from the sequel and how the now-toddlee views the toilet. Potty training is a sub plot of the movie.
Everything I said was noted in the original source (including getting money from his dad, his own claims of being extremely wealthy, etc) but Elon’s subsequent tweet offering money for evidence and his dad replying to confirm that he owned one was great hilarity that I first saw on Reddit directly linking to Twitter.