I am not fond of slang, but even I have to admit it is a fun word. It also has a great meaning. To throw something with great speed in any general direction but usually quite far.
He yeeted his phone out the window when he noticed there was a spider on the screen. It was not the best decision, but it was the choice he made.
That’s how I started out too. You pick a few things here and there, next thing you know a few years later you build a server capable of storing half a petabyte of data. The important thing is to know when it starts becoming a problem. I am at 216 tb now, but I should be good for years to come.
I am new to Wayland, but on asahi it is mandatory. So I am having to get used to it. Which is more noticeable as I had to change from i3 to sway. They are functionally identical but different in how you configure it with the wayland compositor.