I am not fond of slang, but even I have to admit it is a fun word. It also has a great meaning. To throw something with great speed in any general direction but usually quite far.
He yeeted his phone out the window when he noticed there was a spider on the screen. It was not the best decision, but it was the choice he made.
I had to cancel my gym membership because my laziness took over, let’s be honest. I called expecting a huge battle and prepared for a trek. I said “Hi, my name is Bread. I would like to cancel my gym membership.” They said okay and immediately hung up. No new bill the next month.
A bit rude, but I won’t argue with results. Straight to the point.
You are looking at it the wrong way. The vacuum cleaners have the same personality as you. You are original and they just want to imitate.
Besides, your manufacture date is long before theirs. Any patents on your personality are probably expired by this point. Welcome to the public domain, friend!
The amount of people that get personally attached to their roombas is quite considerable. Assigning them names and personalities is common. Generally the helpless little goofball that gets stuck on things periodically personality is endearing.
I thought that too until we got into deep fried memes. They are usually minorly funny or completely humorless random pictures that have been tossed through the deep fryer. For some reason that makes them hilarious to others.
Hey now, don’t assume we all do that. I don’t need the people I talk to knowing that the only places I go are work, my house, and the Chinese food place every other Tuesday. They might think I don’t have anything to do with my life. They would be right, but I don’t want them thinking it!
The eternal struggle. One day. One day they will change when they are left with no options. They will change to the next cheapest option that isn’t open source and the cycle will continue.