In this thread I explain my problem. When I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu I lost the boot splash that I had with Gnome. I have no idea why. Please help me get the best boot experience from Linux as possible. Thank you.
Other than being annoyed about not knowing how to switch instances quickly like alt+tab on windows, not really. The potato I’m using used to take 10 minutes to boot on windows 10 and I’m glad I got rid of those waiting times
We are living in the end times (
Plymouth not working in Kubuntu
In this thread I explain my problem. When I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu I lost the boot splash that I had with Gnome. I have no idea why. Please help me get the best boot experience from Linux as possible. Thank you.
Look at that fragmentation! (
Fragmentation is good! Old meme I posted on that site.
We aren't gonna like this one.. (
Why the hell did that stop (
Please clap (
Be mindful of allergies lads (
Apples for sale (
Real committed (
Steam Boat Willie belongs to the People! (
This is just cruel (
How was this a feel good story?! (
We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days. (