I have a NAS as my primary photo backup solution and one day someone will make a photo frame that I can point at it and it will just cycle through photos, but until that day, it’s just a blackhole of memories. That said, that blackhole is important enough to me that I also back up online....
If OP is attempting a 3-2-1 Backup scheme, this is an irrelevant argument.
OP wants to store a backup in a different physical location while trusting that it won’t be used to train AI. They are looking for services that can satisfy that.
Photos and Videos Online Storage
I have a NAS as my primary photo backup solution and one day someone will make a photo frame that I can point at it and it will just cycle through photos, but until that day, it’s just a blackhole of memories. That said, that blackhole is important enough to me that I also back up online....