Yeah like everyone wonders a little bit whether there is an intrinsic grammar to human biology but saying there are feature/s that every language shares is a strange and reductionist claim.
¡I second this completely! Smoking is so hard to get over and you should be unbelievably proud of yourself for being so strong in doing the right thing for yourself ❤️
Funnily enough I used this gun as an asset in a scratch game. I think it’s more likely they found a picture of a gun from that angle and decided to draw the person like that afterwards, I’m not a gun owner though so I don’t really know what I’m talking about😜.
Besides the thing about talking about how children should be raised I completely disagree. I’ve never see anyone have nostalgia for anything besides music and fashion maybe since a massive amount of us are gay or trans so there’s no reason to want to go back to the past. And every gen x or millennial I know will gladly argue with cashiers for longer than any gen z since they’re still working as cashiers and were the generation that invented the concept of Karens and watch all the “customer gets owned” " I am the manager moments"
Yeah it’s funny that’s never the conclusion but logically it makes sense to not dismiss something as unknown until we’re sure it wasn’t used for anything else. Still can’t wait for future civilizations to be very confused when they see my collection of funny looking coins.
I agree but it’s very unfortunate considering graphics cards are so expensive to replace nowadays so if you already have an Nvidia card then you’re kinda screwed.
pirate bay is alright, I managed to find metástasis on there a while ago but if you’re looking for something in English is probably your best bet.