He didn’t ignore basic gun safety. Firearms on movie sets are not the same as firearms everywhere else. There is supposed to be a dedicated person who is directly responsible for ensuring live ammunition is never, ever brought close to a prop gun. I’ve posted this elsewhere at one point, but as somebody who has worked on productions with blank-firing guns, the cast and crew are not allowed to inspect, touch, or come near any firearm on set apart from the shortest time required for the scene. The firearms are secured before and after the scene, and there should never, ever be a chance for live ammunition to get inside a prop. The armorer guarantees the gun is safe, and are the ones responsible for it.
The armorer for this production appears to not have followed those protocols, and that’s where Baldwin’s potential culpability is-- not as an actor who shot somebody, but as a producer who should have had better oversight of the armorer.
Can’t speak for the person you’re replying to, but I’m a security engineer and stuff still makes its way to me that you would think would get filtered out by others (and isn’t my job to fix). It just takes the right person thinking “this is obviously a problem with $system, let’s just send it straight over to them so they can fix it quickly!” And then we get the fun job of proving it’s not us and has no relation to us.
We got a ticket today for packet loss between two systems, neither of which have any of our tools on them…
You can definitely highlight text. I haven’t tried exporting with edits, though, so I can’t speak to that.
You can plug it in and transfer, but again, I haven’t personally done it. I get most of my books from the library, so I just use the Overdrive stuff for that.
I’m going to jump on the Kobo train along with everyone else. I have a Kobo Libra H2O that I really love. I had a couple Kindles before deciding that I really didn’t want to stick with an Amazon product, and chose Kobo because of its integrations with Overdrive. It’s really nice to be able to check out a book from the library directly on my e-reader.
The screen is bright when it needs to be, but dims down quite nicely. The touchscreen is fairly responsive, though it’s e-ink and there are limits to refresh rates. The physical buttons to turn the page are perfect, and I still can’t believe Amazon took them off their Kindles (though I guess I understand them removing the keyboard… even though I liked it).
I actually like mine so much, I bought a second of the same model after I somehow managed to lose my first one. So the one thing I wish they had was integration with Apple Airtag or one of the other device tracking networks!