Lot's of comments about dominance. This is an old erronous theory about dog behaviour based on a botched study. Dogs hump for many reasons, sexual is the obvious one, but also being nervous or poorly socialised.
What you should do is stop the behaviour, move your dog or theirs away and tell the owner to come get their dog.
If it happens in certain scenarios you can also stop it before the behaviour, so a common scenario is two dogs are playing, one dog gets overstimulated and then jumps on to hump, in that scenario you'd want to watch for earlier signs of overstimulation, wanting to stop, panting heavily, whale eyes, and stopping the play at that point.
I'm a fosterer with quite a bit of dog training education. I second the advice that you need a good qualified behaviourist, this means degree level study or above.
However, for the meantime, nobody should be taking anything from him by force. This will worsen the behaviour. The things he's taking don't sound like they pose danger to him so take all the urgency out of the response. It's anxiety driven so you want to make everything really chill.
Firstly, clear everything away, as much as possible get things in drawers or too high to reach. The less he can get that he shouldn't the better.
Work on swapping with a low value item like a toy he doesn't play with much, so say an old ball, give him the ball, get a treat and offer the treat while holding your hand for the ball. What should happen is he drops the ball, give him the treat, then hand the ball back. He's learned that nothing bad happens here. He gets the treat AND the ball. Do this 5 times in a row, then leave the ball with him. He's learned here that it's all very chill and you've reduced his anxiety.
As he gets better at this, increase the challenge slowly, maybe a toy he likes a bit better, then better again. At this point you can also start swapping items, so you take a teddy, give him a treat, then give him a ball. If this makes him anxious then slow down, you want it to be really chill for him.
Eventually he'll start giving you stuff just to see what he can get. It's a fun game.
Another exercise you can try if he does get something you don't want him to have is to throw treats away. If he has something you can throw a treat in one place, then another, then another, while he's having a great time, quietly remove whatever he had, he'll probably have forgotten he had it, but make sure it's quickly hidden to help, give him loads of fuss when it's gone for extra memory wiping!
Also make sure he is getting enough exercise and attention, and he's not in pain, these kinds of problems usually start if a dog is feeling crappy for whatever reason.
Small animals is a specialism. Like just animals that are small. Actually, so is exotics! So the same guy is treating parrots, reptiles, and monkeys. That's ridiculous.
Most companies don't cooperate with law enforcement, it's only Gedmatch who do currently and you need to personally opt in to that because they originally gave free access and there was a legal challenge. None will give info to health insurance companies, privacy laws in most places wouldn't allow that. All of them have to let you delete your info whenever you want.
However if you don't trust for profit orgs then you're out of luck. Many of them are run by the LDS though, and their goal is to get your family tree so that they can baptise your dead relatives, so like, kinda harmless as far as corporate strategy goes.
I've had mine done and nobody has made an evil clone to frame me for killing the king yet, so it's not too bad.
So how about, you go to the future, look up a museum of your time, then just go and be yourself, like the people who do similar in museums now of the past.
Either way though, unless time travel has become widespread in the future, you wouldn't be outed, people would just straight think you're a bit odd. There's people now who straight up claim to be time travellers and we're just like, OK mate, suuuure.
I've been in a few for various reasons. There's one where they choose a few redditors at random and you get 7 days to talk amongst yourselves, after that you are banned from the sub forever. That was amusing. Kinda gutting when you get the ban notification.