There are better ways of containing your dog. Like an actual fence. Don't cause your dog pain for your own convenience. They don't even keep the dog in, a good run up, for example if they are being chased by something, they can be outside before they feel anything and then unable to return home.
I used to work at a zoo and a lot of the older keepers had a finger or part missing to some animal or another back when health and safety was less, used to be common in factories too, Tony Iommi lost bits in a factory and has spoken about how it wasn't that unusual.
I think it's important to understand why these people are mad. It's really simplistic to say 'raise better kids', and the point of teaching people not to hurt is a bit tricky when positioned in a world where people are being hurt constantly.
Any good person raised in an environment where their own country is murdering children is going to have questions. You feel helpless when the whole world is comfortable with inhumane torture.
The Hebdo drawing wasn't light hearted fun though, it was right wingers trying to wind up religious people. Obviously there's never any excuse for murder but publicly attacking a whole religion will upset a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.
Some kind of chip or retina scanner that lets you into wherever you want with no hassle. I have keys for home, keys for my car, keys for my parents, a keycard for work, a code for the gym, there's a lot of shit to carry round just so I can go into the places that I'm allowed to go into.
It's not that simple is it? If you set a church on fire then should you go free because of past issues by the church?
On drawing, should you be able to draw your friends child being shot? Again, these are not issues you should kill for, but you can understand why people are mad.
I taught teenagers for a long while, the things about teenagers that are annoying are also so very relateable. They're full of hormones, incapable of handling their emotions, and way too busy coping with all of that to be in school.
A lot of adults seem to have amnesia about that time but spending time with whole classes of them makes your own experiences of it flood back.
Like when a guy you liked didn't say hi to you in the morning and you had a whole existential crisis that nobody would ever love you, cried in the toilet at lunch time, then decided you were a strong independent woman, got over the whole thing, by the end of the day you were like "screw him, I deserve so much better!" then you saw him leaving school and he was like "Sorry I didn't say hi earlier, I had my headphones in" and it wasn't actually a thing at all? That's basically being a teenager all the time.
Is their reaction to the Turkey earthquake, There were roughly 51k killed, and their cartoon was that this was good because that was less muslims they had to kill.
Their 'Mohammed edition' was a full comic about how much they hated muslims. It was pure racism and in many countries they would have been prosecuted for hate speech.
They are a hate group.
This is the meaning of two wrongs don't make a right. Charlie Hebdo are disgusting, the people who attacked them so severely were absolutely wrong, but neither act makes either of them right.
I feel like that makes sense. I was reading a book recently about zoo history and it was relatively recently when a lot of primates were kept exclusively inside to keep them warm, it makes logical sense to protect them, but a few zoos in the 20's and 30's started giving them a bit of time outside and realised that it made a real difference to their health. Now we generally give them free access outside and all the other improvements to see long healthy lives.
It's taken a long time for us to realise how to raise healthy humans, nevermind healthy animals.
Jellyfish are really weak, obviously they don't really have control over themselves but I think even if they did they'd be pretty hopeless. maybe they could travel where they want together?