Is their reaction to the Turkey earthquake, There were roughly 51k killed, and their cartoon was that this was good because that was less muslims they had to kill.
Their 'Mohammed edition' was a full comic about how much they hated muslims. It was pure racism and in many countries they would have been prosecuted for hate speech.
They are a hate group.
This is the meaning of two wrongs don't make a right. Charlie Hebdo are disgusting, the people who attacked them so severely were absolutely wrong, but neither act makes either of them right.
I think it's important to understand why these people are mad. It's really simplistic to say 'raise better kids', and the point of teaching people not to hurt is a bit tricky when positioned in a world where people are being hurt constantly.
Any good person raised in an environment where their own country is murdering children is going to have questions. You feel helpless when the whole world is comfortable with inhumane torture.
The Hebdo drawing wasn't light hearted fun though, it was right wingers trying to wind up religious people. Obviously there's never any excuse for murder but publicly attacking a whole religion will upset a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.
When I was younger and went out all night often me and my flatmates used to wake up and watch that until we felt better. Like 4 hours of it every saturday and sunday morning. that you're on has 25,718 users but only 2232 are active, that's a really small number. that you're posting into is number 9 with 11,500 active users, that's still super small tbf.
I feel like that makes sense. I was reading a book recently about zoo history and it was relatively recently when a lot of primates were kept exclusively inside to keep them warm, it makes logical sense to protect them, but a few zoos in the 20's and 30's started giving them a bit of time outside and realised that it made a real difference to their health. Now we generally give them free access outside and all the other improvements to see long healthy lives.
It's taken a long time for us to realise how to raise healthy humans, nevermind healthy animals.
I feel like Wilko had the odd bit, but if I was like, I need a lightening to audio wire, or a USB to USBC adapter then I'd struggle. You have to order those. I guess I notice because I'm in a ridiculous job where sometimes you need those things immediately and it's a nightmare.
Small animals is a specialism. Like just animals that are small. Actually, so is exotics! So the same guy is treating parrots, reptiles, and monkeys. That's ridiculous.
16 is even better. It's difficult because you really want them to start socialisation by that point and breeders individually socialising a litter can be a challenge, but for those who can it's a much more stable dog the owner is starting with.
I do dog rescue and a lot of people got their first ever dog over covid and people who had no idea how to raise a pup raised some really messed up dogs. Starting with an older dog that is a bit more stable just makes all the difference.