I received a strong catholic education, the red and blue are symbols for the blood and water that came out from Jesus side when he was pierced by a Roman soldier, John 19:34
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
Bookmarks (saved posts and comments) are usually associated to the account since there is support for it in Lemmy APIs (PUT /post/save and PUT /comment/save respectively) so even if you change client you should find them there.
The answer to your question is subjective, what I like about Lemmy is that there are many clients (web and mobile) so you can choose what you like the most, and many of them are even open source.
In general I would argue that he has a good reputation, due to good marketing mostly. A great lot of people see him as some sort of “illuminated visionary” who fosters innovation for the Good™ and will save humanity with SpaceX, Tesla, etc. [I don’t agree personally to any of it but that’s another story].
I come from a super-right wing family too (but from Europe) and they really are in love Elon because it’s like “a dog being out of control” in the billionaire group, the one who is brave enough to go against the rules, defying the “cancel culture” and the unidirectional thinking imposed by political correctness.
As a software developer, I’d recommend them to switch to semver, having three digits to separate major, minor and patch numbers. This makes it easier for customers to identify if the new version has just minor fixes (an ingredient removed), breaking changes (eg the menu changes) or major changes (all the waiters were replaced) compared to the previous one.
You can now access the closed test group. You’ll need to provide the email address of your Google account (the one you use to sign in on Google Play). If you still want to try it out, just send me an email or a private message and I’ll add you to the testers.
The worst case is when someone requires changes, you address them, but then they disappear/go on a leave.
If the repository rules require all conversations to be resolved before merging and only the original reviewer can mark them as solved, the PR is stuck forever even if the rest of the team approves it.
It appears that the EU Commission has tried to influence public opinion in countries such as the Netherlands in order to undermine the position of the national government in the EU Council. Such behaviour – especially in combination with illegal micro-targeting – is a serious threat to the EU legislative process and completely contradicts the Commission’s intention to make political advertising more transparent.
Some of them would be recommend even for non-Linux users, apart from being entertaining, they are extremely informative about open source/tech topics in general.