And anyone who would pay that much for a car is a gullible fool who doesn’t deserve to keep their money anyway, so that tracks, yeah. What a fucking waste.
It’s surprisingly wholesome hearing people who used to hate women in their earlier lives suddenly illustrating with profound astonishment how much happier and how much more whole they began to feel when they started taking estrogen…
Even if they’re still describing it with internalized self-inflicted contempt and disgust.
And it makes me almost dare to hope, “maybe this gal will realize that she feels good because it’s RIGHT…?”
Well check this out: if it’s big enough and can collect enough solar energy, it can be a self-powered gargantuan electromagnet and CREATE a magnetosphere for Mars itself. And the moon has a higher silver content than earth, which a) won’t tarnish in the vacuum of space and b) is more conductive than copper or gold!
Aluminum alloy structures, silver circuitry, we could build this thing without sending ANY of it’s raw materials from earth. It’s all already up there waiting for us… … Some assembly required :p
It’s called working at a towing company, and I already have. I know what those “roadside assistance” firms do from the inside, because we’re the ones who actually do the work when they call, and most of them are trash; you could just skip the middle man and call us directly, but the good ones actually pay decently and are more likely to get our help. Prices become better for individuals when they act as a group who collectively pool resources to subsidize cost on the basis that having a lifeline to fall back on when you don’t need one is better than not having one when you do need one. Technically any handful of people can found a private social club that they all pay ten bucks a month into but don’t always use, and such a club’s warchest will snowball to thousands of dollars while no one is looking. Then when suddenly one person is in trouble, the club swoops in and eats the cost. Socialization of risk. Mutual aid. Wish more people did that.
then again, this is a a loop-shaped calzone… topologically, a torus. the chart doesn’t even have an entry for that, but i’m ok with provisionally classifying it as a calzone