Trump and Biden both have dementia really bad. It’s been just as much of a shitshow under Biden.
Biden is continuing the construction of Trump’s border wall. And Biden was VP when kids were being put in cages at the mexican border. Biden was VP when Obama deported more immigrants than any other president combined. Biden was in favor of segregation back when MLK was going around giving speeches.
“I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” is something Biden is on video saying in congress…or was it during one of his campaigns? Can’t remember.
My point is. Democrat, republican…it doesn’t matter, the same shit always happens and the only thing that changes is who’s giving praise and who’s giving criticism.
YES! Fucking Christ! Someone else shares my opinion on this issue! Weddings as they’re done in the US are so stupid and expensive! Wedding rings are also stupid.
Free speech already isn’t absolute. Free speech isn’t about words, it’s about expression of opinions. And it’s illegal to express some opinions in some ways. For example you can’t discriminate based on race when you hire employees.
You’re confusing words with other things that have nothing to do with words.
I actually live in Canada, where we have Hate Speech laws (like exist in many countries), where speech that is significantly harmful to marginalized communities is considered illegal. Despite what the Flu Trucks Clan ironically claim, they’re not being censored.
Words are words, violence is violence.
And I saw the videos that were taken from inside of the trucker’s protest, they were completely peaceful. The truckers were protesting the dystopian surveillance that came along with those QR code apps. Did you know that those apps communicate your personal details wirelessly? Completely without your consent?
The sheer volume of databreaches that big-tech-owned services go through all the time and you feel comfortable letting those idiots handle all your identity information and to let them send it to anyone who’s able to spoof the signal to download it?
You’re probably thinking about the nazi flags that were seen at the trucker protests. And those people holding those flags were definitely NOT feds helping to peddle a narrative…right? It’s not like the media would lie to get us to hate our neighbors without listening to what they have to say or anything.
Saying certain things are hate crimes, and shouldn’t be allowed. Like burning crosses, etc.
If you’re burning a cross in someone else’s property, that’s a crime vandalism, trespassing harassment.
Saying naughty words and only saying naughty words doesn’t actually hurt anything besides people’s feelings
Do you really want to live in a place where you can be arrested for saying something that offends people?
If that’s the standard for what kind of speech we outlaw, then it’s only a matter of time before religious lunatics start throwing people in the gulag for saying “god damnit”. or “Jesus” as a stand-in for some kind of curse word.
If we lose free speech, you may agree with the one that’s allowed to censor things, but what happens when free speech is gone and someone new, who you strongly disagree with is now allowed to censor things?
I’ll say again. The same laws that allow bigots to say what they say are the same laws that allow us to make fun of them.