To be fair, they dragged their feet on addressing it, sure, but then took massive steps to address it when they did. Top-to-bottom company-wide analysis and restructuring, limiting Linus’ role and voice, a complete moratorium on releasing videos while they made plans to slow the release output, and refocusing on quality-control with additional community input. Totally get if you still don’t like their videos, but I think they did everything possible to address everyone’s concerns.
I actually like the WAN Show podcast more than their videos. I think you get a sense for their genuineness and passion as they discuss current tech news…
I understand people not looking at Jenny critically enough. She was abused and damaged in at least one way and obviously didn’t act rationally as a result.
As for Forrest, all he wanted was her. Yes, he would have still gone off to war like most young men at the time, but he would have taken her with him on the shrimp boat. Or abandoned that plan, if she asked. He probably wouldn’t have devoted as much time practicing ping pong and he definitely wouldn’t have been so disillusioned with the world to go running for 2 years straight.
For better or worse, Forrest focused on his pursuits and achievements, because Jenny never really accepted or chose him when she had the chance.
What are you talking about? The ‘i’ in both ‘air’ and ‘tonight’ is not revealed. Just like it’s still hidden in ‘air’. Or am I misunderstood something…?
EDIT: Ah, you’re referring to the Snopes article you linked. I get it, but the rest of us are just commenting on the post and image here.
Oh, come on with that false equivalency BS. Owners can choose what breeds to buy (or just take in a stray), which also determines what gets bred! Pitbulls as a breed in general do tend to have higher aggression, that’s just a fact. And it’s well-documented by vets, breeders, groomers, etc.
That’s a little different than the war crimes of one dead racist guy who lived half a century ago…