I’ve got a wicked scar on my right hand that can attest to that! I was riding my bike home from my supermarket job as a teenager without a light… While holding my Sobe drink in my hand… I didn’t see a retaining wall log that had fallen down onto the sidewalk so I hit it, tire-first. I flew over the handlebars and my hand landed on the bottle as it broke. Severed a nerve in the hand and damn-near hit an artery. Surgery to repair that, and I still have some numbness in it. Live and learn, but I’ll always think of that when someone mentions Sobe!
Found my cat when she jumped on the hood of my car after I parked! Saw this friendly thing several times, and neighbors said she was just a stray. When the nights got colder, I would let her come inside when I came home, but let her out again the next morning, when it was warmer. Eventually, I got a litter box and stopped letting her outside… She knew what she was doing!