This is why the concept of running services until different ports than default isn’t a real security measure, it doesn’t actually take any effort to figure out what kind of service is running on a port.
As an AdGuard home user for more than a few years, I switched back to Pihole because it wasn’t really any better. It was also easier to pair pihole with Unbound.
No they didn’t grandfather anybody in, they made the price changes to compute universally back in April of last year. The only plan not changed was the $5 nanode so if that’s all you’re running then that’s probably why your bill didn’t change.
It’s not both, it’s Akamai Connected Cloud. The Linode brand has been retired. The vestiges of the Linode brand that are still visible are merely due to Akamai’s sloppy and disordered integration effort. They’ll likely retain the domain so as not to break existing API calls, but the switch away from as the primary domain, and removal of the name Linode from technical documents and design elements is ongoing.
I ditched Linode after they sold to Akamai and immediately raised prices, then changed names. I shifted everything over to Vultr which is a roughly comparable service, and is a little bit cheaper. It’s not quite as polished as the company formerly known as Linode, but it does it does the job just the same.
And then they act like it’s the employees who are wrong. I bet every single one of the job hoppers enjoying these huge salary benefits would prefer to just chill in the same job forever if it achieved the same thing.