My downstairs neighbor seems to be wearing some of those glass breaking pens you can buy for emergencies, as heels.
Our apartment is incredibly well sound proofed, you can't hear any of the city noise and usually can't even hear the elevator bell on our floor, even though it's obnoxiously loud. You also can't hear voices, radio or TV from downstairs.
But yet my downstairs neighbor, who apparently ALWAYS wears heels and can't sit down for longer than 5 minutes, manages to make it sound like someone is constantly hammering a nail into solid concrete, with every step she makes.
The tack tack tack tack noise coming from down there, you can figure out where she is in her place, simply by where the sound goes and comes from. From that I know that while most of the layout of her apartment seems the same, two doors are in places where we have walls.
Well, it would be no surprise to me if the messed up nature of the past 3-4 years was because Kissinger still being alive was throwing the whole world of balance.
So him dead, is actually a sign of hope.
That much condensed evil going on well past his time is an abomination to the natural order.
Well, the kernel is Linux and the OS is whatever the distribution or special purpose is called.
There is a distinction as Linux is used in far more than operating systems and at times is run with just the kernel and an application, with no possible interface between any user and application.
Problem is that most Linux desktop users have fuck all clue what Linux is all used for and wouldn't know how to interface with 99% of all the linux running devices on the planet.
Depending on the OPs circumstances, that realization may actually be what is causing them their bad times.
Friend of mine has had ideation for a long ass time and the frequency of them trying to step out of life increased considerably when that realization hit them.
When you're already feeling worthless and without purpose, realizing nothing has purpose and this whole concept of life and living we have is utterly meaningless in the grand scale of the universe, it's not ideal.
Before doing anything, if your screen allows it, swap DP to HDMI or HDMI to DP as output, that may fix this to the point of being able to actually boot and further fix the issue.
I've had this before with drivers where suddenly it would fail on either port but would still run on one of the others.
His use was that by his nature of wanting to create as much misery and mayham around the world as one person could possibly do, he created a lot of wealth for a lot of people attached to the military industrial complex.
Yeah, since you can also use a different Kernel and end up with something that looks like a Linux distribution, anyone who has ever used common Linux distributions is instantly familiar with, while definitely not being Linux.