Most forms of medical advice, some of it stuck around for a long ass time (bloodletting and the idea of spirits and humors lasted several millennia), but I imagine that the vast majority of it is lost to time.
You don't even have to go all that far back to see this in action.
In the 90's, the universal medical advice was to avoid fats, sauces and dear lord never eat more than 2-3 eggs in a week or you'll have a coronary before 40.
You still shouldn't go overboard with fats and sauce which is made with fat, but the advice that you shouldn't eat more than 2-3 eggs in a week is entirely defunct now.
You can eat 2-3 eggs a day (which many people do without even knowing as eggs are used in a whole lot of things) without any medical disadvantages.
I have an aunt who to this day lives together with her best friend.
50 years and counting.
We have regular family gatherings with me 300+ head extended family (1 weekend per year and 2 gathering afternoons per year) and we have over 20 gay couples in the mix.
LGBTQ+ acceptance is universal in my family.
They still are in the closet and saying they are just friends.
Friends that sleep in a single bed hotel room and smooch when people aren't watching.
There was an absolute fuckton of marketing for it at the start of the year, like every other Twitch and YouTube ad I got was about that movie.
Then, nothing, so I thought it had been released and people weren't talking about it because it's just a massive snooze (Like with the Eternals movie).
I had little affinity for the movie to begin with, so seeing there was little public response after all the marketing just had me go "seems this is one to skip"
And now it suddenly comes out with barely any marketing going on in the past few weeks?
Which still makes me feel it must be a snooze, both because it wasn't marketed for release and because of the residual feeling the initial marketing caused.
Besides that, even before the pandemic neither me or my wife were big fans of going to the cinema, the noise, the seating and the gauging with drinks and food is just meh.
During the pandemic, we invested in an 75" TV, 200" projector screen and 8K projector and setup 7.1 audio in the living room.
We got as much popcorn as we want, can drink whatever we want, including alcohol and the only person that can annoy us is us.
And with most movies being available from a streaming service within a few months of cinema release, there's not much of any FOMO either.
Yeah, doesn't take much to warp a young mind with pseudoscience and pseudo philosophical blathering.
Because the right has coopted the religious right, this is just a merger of oldschool professional religious apologists tactics into political discourse and it took scores of Atheists making videos, doing talks and going into debates to show these people for the lying pieces of shit they are.
But because they moved into fronting as purely political, rather than religious, the Atheists stay away, because it's not their fight.
I was at my parents this week and my dad said his tablet got slow.
I checked the running apps and open tabs and the phone couldn't even express it in a number (normally it does up to 999).
Then I hit the clear background apps button and the thing just straight up spazed straight to a full cold boot.
An hour later, dad said it was much much faster now, but that I "removed his apps". (I didn't and they were still there, just not running all the time!)
Their initial sale isn't to the middle east or in any way driven by the middle eastern market and tends to be completely done on the merit of the vehicle.
The trucks in the middle east are almost all second hand to the level some people were horrified and surprised when the vehicle they sold in the US, still bearing their logos and name, showed up in videos of insurgents and straight up terrorists in the Middle East.
If you look at the history of the Goa'uld coming to earth 12000 years ago and ruling most of the Galaxy for nearly as long, Jack ended all that within the confines of a single decade.
We care that history has made it so that they for themselves can't be open about who they are while it's overly obvious our whole family doesn't care and is accepting.
The damage the severe repression of LGBTQ+ in society has done, that still lingers in people strong enough that they can't be who they are while nobody around them would see anything wrong with them being out.
And the late Gen-Xers, who, if they were nerds, often were the first to grow up with computers and internet in their lives.
I'm 45, I know plenty people my age who are grandparents.
Me personally, I was always on the bleeding edge of tech, worked in tech all my professional life too, so I'm less affected by this behavior.
But it makes it really hard to keep in touch with people my age online.
I was one of the first to join Facebook and one of the first to abandon it. But I had to make a new Facebook account about 5 years ago because these days my whole family keeps in touch through Facebook and sets up family gatherings through it and Whatsapp and lost the ability to text me that info ...
I was once hired at a company to get them ISO compliant (8001, 27001 and various other certifications specific for data storage and handling for banks and healthcare).
First thing I did was run inventory on all hard and software and it was quickly clear they ran 50 something unlicensed Windows and Office copies, 3 unlicensed Windows Server copies, 2 unlicensed Exchange copies, a whole bunch of unlicensed Winzip copies and on and on and on.
The typical with small to mid sized businesses.
You absolutely need to get your licensing in order if you want to get those certifications, especially the banking and healthcare data ones.
I made them a list of everything we'd have to acquire to be in order with that part.
They refused. They refused to the point of telling me "it's not working out and we're letting you go".
So, yeah, that's how you get Microsoft to hear about a company running a couple hundred unlicensed products :)
They never got their ISO certs and downsized considerably a year or two later.