Anybody important will have had their name removed from the list already. After seeing the fallout for Prince Nonce of Nonceville, nobody else wants to be tarred with that brush
I saw a tall man in a leather jacket in a supermarket and ran up and hugged him because all tall men in leather jackets are my dad. 5 year old me forgot that he was passed out at home from some drug/alcohol concoction so how could he be in the shop?
Ahh, got you now, sorry for the confusion. I think Prince Nonce didn’t have the advanced notice (or the social equity (he was already disliked before this came out)) to buy his way out. Whereas people being announced this week have had months of advanced notice
Perhaps a bit of a tangent: I’m pegnant and have been craving something all day but couldn’t work out what I wanted. I tried pico de gallo, bacon, mango. No luck. Eventually I realised: it was tap water with ice. That’s all I’ve wanted all day