Unless you have a specific constraint not mentioned in your post, it would probably just be a waste of time compared to just downloading an existing rip from a torrent site. Especially considering most stuff on Disney+ is fairly mainstream and should be easy to find.
Trying to rip from Disney rather than finding a source to download it would be more time-consuming and would likely end up with worse quality than what the various scene groups get out.
Disregarding the DE-shaming (which, lol who cares? let people use what they like) how do you even figure OP uses Gnome? I can’t make out anything on their screen from the picture apart from the neofetch.
ZipoApps seems to be a company who buys mobile apps to monetize (or further monetize) them. As per their website, their mission is “to find, evaluate, purchase and grow mobile apps”. I suspect the only growth we’ll see with the Simple Mobile suite is the growth of ad-revenue lining this company’s pockets.
Vaguely conservative people love to claim that “you can’t joke about anything nowadays!!” but everytime I ask for an example it’s either completely banal stuff like this sketch, or it’s just straight up bigotry with the thinnest veneer of “a joke”.
Like, sorry that calling a trans woman a guy or saying weird shit about Muslims isn’t funny in 2023, but good god get some fucking actual material.
Stremio + Torrentio + Real Debrid is the smoothest piracy experience I’ve ever had. I even coached my dad on how to set it up through chat, it’s that easy.
The fact that this exists makes me so happy. I doubt I’d ever use a smart buttplug, but I’m oddly relived that those who want Bluetooth up their ass can do so using open-source software.
I get where you’re coming from, but without context your point comes across as more of a “all cars are dangerous therefore we shouldn’t bother regulating oversized SUVs” rather than the “Yes SUVs are particularly dangerous but let’s keep in mind that all cars are dangerous” that you were aiming for.
Uh, no need to apologize? I’m not offended at “Gnome being garbage”. I don’t feel any offense at all, to be honest.
I am slightly annoyed at the “too-bad-it’s-Gnome” comment, which is why I pointed it out. It’s fine to not like Gnome, heck, I don’t like Gnome. I don’t see why that should translate into having a shitty attitude towards people who do like it. I’m just glad people are using FOSS, whether it be some nerd dev on an obscure tiling WM perfectly customized to suit their needs, or some tech-illiterate noobie using Linux Mint and a GUI software manager.
If the author of a paper isn’t excited at the idea of sharing their work with an interested party, I’d honestly immediately question the value of their academic contributions anyway.
The FossifyX fork is by naveensingh, who was active in SimpleMobileTools’ development. From what I can tell poking through Github, they might not have as much time to dedicate to the project as the original maintainer.