See that face on the screen in the upper picture? Apparently after the time travel events from Voyage Home were done she stole that Klingon rust bucket time machine from the bottom of San Francisco Bay and went back in time. Scanning the Historical Documents I have uncovered that she didn’t just time travel more than once but...
Can someone open this pickle jar? (
Trek Club (
How is this not the worst episode of DS9? (
Mom's phone, Trek edition (
It's that time of year when Scotty's brain melts. (
Odo flavored. (
Gonna need a few rewrites (
Drink all you want in a post scarcity society (
Du, du duras (
Two more in comments (
From my collection of OC Trek memes. Not Princess Bride but close. (
Cryptic runes bringing to mind unspeakable horror. OC (
It's Capt Gregg (
Truth horn. (
The Doctor gets around. (
But not as much as the pizza delivery person
He's more of a pottery expert. But even he can see this. (
Dunning-Garak effect (
Temporal violation a go-go. (
See that face on the screen in the upper picture? Apparently after the time travel events from Voyage Home were done she stole that Klingon rust bucket time machine from the bottom of San Francisco Bay and went back in time. Scanning the Historical Documents I have uncovered that she didn’t just time travel more than once but...
Cardassian math (
Golden Girls & Spock (
Klingon Jazz (
Two of everything
Jane's Ways (
Classic Garak (
Aloysius Devadander Abercrombie is long for mud. (
This is the Discovery Place (