These are things that need a subscription, though… These are remote features that require internet connectivity and application serving. Things that don’t just come with a one-time fee. These are actual services being provided by Kia or Hyundai. This isn’t the same as putting a hardware feature of your car behind an arbitrary pay wall.
I used one with Fedora for a while. The problem I had is whenever it would randomly disconnect, Fedora could not handle it gracefully. It would lock up the system and require a hard reboot. Windows has been a bit more graceful about things. I’m hoping the next generation or maybe oculink will be better.
Honestly, Halloween is becoming as bad as Christmas. Just like the Christmas season is far too long, I’ve noticed Halloween is creeping longer and longer. It has a long way to go before it’s at Christmas levels, but during the Halloween season, it is starting to feel just as pervasive. Halloween themed decorations, movies, parties, etc… Halloween to Millenials feels a lot like Christmas was to Boomers. Always chasing that dream of bigger, better, perfect.
It was a movie that was fun because of just how dumb it was. Even in its time, it was a very love or hate it movie. It all depends on if you like that style of Ben Stiller comedy.