The pun is “acoustics”- which is a branch of physics that deal with sound (and also the term for acoustic qualities of a particular enviroment; which is something that is very carefully controlled on a stage)
Asking for a friend. (Honest. I’m supposed to be doing a big batch of chicken and dumplings for a thing. Either the chicken is bigger than I recalled or… I’m an idiot. It’s in water so we should be good,)
Eh. Using Ubuntu is nothing like having a mental or physical handicap, or having fallen and gotten knocked down/pushed down.
My issue with Ubuntu is that there’s better distros- even for newbs coming from windows for the first time. The sole argument for Ubuntu is the first reason not to use it. People are installing it because they want something different than windows, after all, and canonical makes the same critical error (IMO) that MS makes: it assumes their users are stupid.
To be honest, I grew up in red hat; I remember trying Ubuntu when it first came out, being told how awesome it was. I found it to be infuriating and horrible. And it has always been so. To me, it’s popularity seems derived more from marketing than from merit.
for the record, you also need to consider the height. [height] * pi * [radius]^2 = v.
it should also be noted that two 6 inch pizzas are smaller by area and volume than an otherwise similar 10 inch pizza (the combined area of 2 6 inch pizzas are 226.19 in^2, verses 314.15 in^2 for a 10 inch.)
Okay skip that. I’m going to wish for an automated droid processing plant/factory with design files of every known class of ship- and the defiant, just to fuck with people.
Successfully made shoestring frenchfries. (and I’ve officially used it more than they have…) (thin-cut-sticks, salt, olive oil or whatever, fresh thyme. Air fry at 400 in the wire basket.)