yes, on the tenting. another option is to put it in a cold oven. if the oven has a bread proof setting, that can help to slow the cooling down a bit too, without actually cooking it. (proofing is usually done at 70-80f, just a bit warmer than room temp. Warming is usually quite a bit more and will continue cooking more…)
NY strip, dry brined (kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper, and some baking soda, left at room temperature until the salt has been fully absorbed into the steak.)
as for cooking, it depends on weather and mood- nice enough to grill outside? wood fired grill, with a coating of marinade applied just before it goes on (not more than a few minutes.)- Olive oil, apple vinegar, garlic, more pepper. maybe some lime or lemon juice. seared to a medium-rare. the oil helps the sear lock in juices, the hint of vinegar adds an acidic kick.
Shit weather? it’s pan fried in cast iron, generous amounts of butter (and enough neutral oil to keep it from burning about 1/3 oil 2/3’s butter), with a crushed clove of garlic and a sprig of time in the pan. again, seared to that perfect medium rare. (though… if you have one of those in the family, this method also allows you to slow it down to produce a passable well done. Just saying.)
of course the second most important part: let it REST. (10-15 minutes, covered in tinfoil.)
Pop culture didn’t appropriate it. Alan Turing and John McCarthy and the others at the Dartmouth Comference were inspired in part by works like Wisard of Oz and Metropolis and R.U.R.
While the term was coined in a paper for that seminal conference by McCarthy…. The concept of thinking machines had already been firmly established.
muts are the best-est. We had a half-goldie-half-stray that was absolutely the best dog ever.
Though, to be honest, I imagine ‘best dog ever’ really comes down to proximity. The closer the dog is to you- figuratively and literally- the better the dog. details.
Like seriously. Because a guy one time pulled out because he was an asshole and wanted the inheritance that would otherwise go to his “nephew”… which would have (and did) cause his brother’s widow go into destitution, so god smote him.
Also… side note… that’s the kind of world they view as ideal.