Fun story. When the titanic came out, the girl I was crushing on asked me if I wanted to go see it with her and her other friends.
Yeah. So we’re in line to get in and I made a sarcastic comment, something about, “but we know how it ends… the ship sinks.”
Apparently. She didn’t know that. Oops.
In any case the gaggle of old women in the row behind us were more entertaining. It may have been like their fifth time watching it. Specifically so they could see DiCaprio’s naked ass. The rest of the time they spent heckling it MST3K- style.
They’re bigger than the Imperial Jugs, not the local saggy-tits, mind you. I’m talking about the big Corellian Jugs, now. They’re big enough for the Old Man.
Like how many droids just, don’t have names? Or only have names because the peeps that designed them gave them names but nobody else really knows them?
Like that walking holocom droid used by Nute Gunray on Naboo, or Treadwell.
Personal favorite droid? Chopper. Dude is a freaking menace to society.
For those wondering, The game would use a shift cipher on chat. when chatting between factions, you wouldn’t be able to read it. Well. except we were nerds and they used the same shift cipher. for horde players saying LOL, alliance players would see KEK. so addons existed that could ‘translate’ back and forth.
The reasoning was that cross-faction, eh ‘comunication’ was mostly taunting and shit.
Fast food veggies are gross. The lettuce is slimy, the tomatoes are flavorless mush.
And they put too much of their excessively sweet ketchup on those burgers. It’s messy and gross. Even as a kid, it was disgusting, and the pickle, too. Fast food burgers are way too soggy. Especially if you’re not eating it in the next 30 seconds.
(There’s a reason I don’t do fast food anymore.)
Asking for it plain isn’t being picky at all. I once new a guy who would insist on medium, half salt, double cheese half lettuce. And no. The salt thing wasn’t a medical thing. He’d scarf full salt fries.
Road tripping with that guy was “fun”
The reality is, ordering something the way you like it isn’t bejng “picky”. You’re buying food. It’s when you send a burger back five times because it keeps getting messed up because you’re order is freaking insane that it turns into “picky”.
So, if you happen to know them… I have a question.
How doped up on hormones are they? Like, maybe they’re just having the time of their life, Brain riding high on dopamine or whatever butterfly’s have for pleasure, and they don’t even realize what’s going on.
Then, when they pop out and realize what they’ve been doing run off to the shower trying not to think about it
I’ve come to the conclusion…. That if there are species out there able to travel interstellar distances in a reasonable time, then they have the ability to know humans are fucking nuts- because they can detect the radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere.
Which means the only ones coming are even more nuts than we are.
This, leads me to assume that either, they’re genocidal maniacs out to destroy everything that’s not them, (a la the bad guys in Ian Douglas’ Semper Mars series,)
I dunno. would space rednecks really survive getting their own M/AM torps? you really wouldn’t want redneck engineering anywhere near antimatter in enough concentration to blow up.
(there is that theory. Life is common. But usually kills itself off or dies off before leaving it’s home system.)
I suppose i should have mentioned the third possibility of “both”- they’re Space Mormons; but we rejected the good news so now they’re on a genocidal killing spree. (And they think were primitive, as you say,)
Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock’s color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it...
Coins (
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Weekend Caption Contest: No Moons (
Megaloblatta longipennis is a species of cockroach in the family Ectobiidae. It is one of the world's largest cockroaches by length and wingspan. (
Nothing to see here. Nope. (
Survey says: You're louder than the bullfrogs. (
You can’t describe all of StarWars with just one quote (
Prove it (
Jaunty (
As joking about German words works incredibly well in English, here’s the original:...
[DISCUSSION] What's the pickiest you have seen someone be?
I think everyone is picky about certain things but what is the pickiest you’ve seen someone be?
Memory Soup (
Later (by OffKeyComics) (
Can you install thid 25 year old program? (
uhhh uhhhhh (
[question] for the chemistry types- making chicken soup. Why did lemon juice turn the light brown chicken stock almost white?
Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock’s color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it...