Actually, you can do multi-player games. On real machines you pay for credits, and then you have to use one credit per player. But, the first player plays their first ball, and after the first player drains (loses) their ball, the second player plays their first ball until they drain it, then the third player, etc. Once everyone has played their first balls, then Player One returns with their second ball, and play continues like that through all three balls.
The amount of trash talking during play varies depending on who you’re playing, but as with most things, trash talking your buddies while they’re playing is one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game.
One thing you can do for a pause in the conversation, is simply to put a thoughtful look on your face and stroke your chin for a moment while you figure out the best answer. This way the person you’re talking to knows that you were listening, so they don’t feel ignored, and it gives you that moments pause you need. Plus, bonus, sometimes they think you’re smarter and more thoughtful than you actually are.
Yeah, but I live in the Chicago area, and with all the trouble some folks have had here with their electric squarves in this bitter cold, they’re thinking about switching back to gas squarfs.