You can always just find a game club with more skilled players, teach your friends how to stomp face or just watch them play if it’s that serious.
If your friends know you are skilled and bitch about you playing at your level instead of catering to them, they’re not good people to hang around anyway.
But when the game’s mechanic is beating a singular person who’s sitting right beside you, skill matchups dictate the fun. But this is probably why I play Third Strike alone lmao
me in tetris. none of my friends will fight me anymore after i kept beating them even when drunk and high. but i am nothing compared to professional players
The average smash bros player. I’m one of them lol. At least going to local fighting game tournies are hella fun. I got bodied really hard at a tournament we had at a bar and it was still super fun, entrance pool feed is usually like $5 or less and they’re pretty chill.
It’s also like this for many hobbies. I can run further and cycle faster than almost everyone I know, but would probably barely even be mid-pack in a local race for either.
I relate with this one. I cycle further and faster than my friends, so it feels like I have to slow down when I cycle with them, however I’m nowhere near professional level.
Reminds me of the one time I played 4 online. I played maxi as I always do, even though he got gimped hard. This guy played Asteroth and he let me win for 2 rounds. Then he schooled me. Hard.
He let me win the first 2 rounds to give himself the handicap. 5th round came, and I tried. Harder than ever. Sidestepped at the right moments, blocked, the whole shebang. We both had a sliver of health left, and I jabbed him. Simple little doosh. And I won.
I’ve never sweat harder from a game in my life. It was a waterfall coming from my armpits. My heart rate was so high that I felt it in my arms.
I will always remember and relish that victory, and I will never play soul calibur online ever again.
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