Moderation log
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Stamets has removed a comment by
gaifux -
Yeah but let’s keep in mind your mother’s pregnancy was considered invalid but hey you’re doing alright
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nbafantest -
You might as well just type out “I’m a prick, block me”
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AnxiousDater101 -

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MotoAsh -
That is as stupid as saying, “people will do murders anyways so let’s not even make it illegal.”...
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masquenox -
Hey, I’m helping you out here by clarifying your humoungous genius logic for everybody, Clyde....
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trashgirlfriend -
if you’re self conscious enough to go through my account I might have hit close to home lmao
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yesman -
But what if the protagonist was in an interracial relationship?
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Godric -
Bro why are your parents making you grope toilets for people who have a religion???
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escaped_cruzader -
Wrote all that just to say “left good, right bad and centrists are the worst of all”
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problematicPanther -
sane individual to you: will you share please?
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surewhynotlem -
One day, people will understand that “all men” is about how you can’t/shouldn’t trust men who are strangers because it’s statistically unsafe. All men who you don’t know are a danger. This is just facts. Once you know people, they’re not “all men” anymore, unless they do shady...
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6mementomori -
you know damn well how it usually goes when someone mention crime statistics don’t you?
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Mr_Fish -
I can almost guarantee there are women out there who actually do hate all men. Never underestimate the shittiness of the worst person. Yes, 99% of people that say “all men are bad” do mean “assume men are bad for safety”, but there will be some who axis refuse to challenge that assumption.
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force -
My God, Lemmy is *terrible* for women, a comment like this getting -10 lmao. I’ve noticed the normalized/highly upvoted rampant sexism towards women and this just makes it worse (although it isn’t even close to the worst I’ve seen on the site, unfortunately). Anyone actually understanding most...
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MindSkipperBro12 -
Yeah, if you can shorten that wall of text up to a paragraph or so, that would be greeaaaat.
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InternetCitizen2 -
Henry Kissinger (War Criminal and International Bad Boy)