
Finally, someone else who gets it. It’s so weird that so many people think all Jews came from a single tribe at the edge of the desert. That’s not how religions work…


even weirder that most people seem to identify Judaism as an ethnicity and not as a religion.

splicerslicer, (edited )

Because it’s both? Jews can be both semites (ethnicity) and followers of Judaism (religion). Not all Jewish people are both. To make things more confusing, not all Jews are zionists, and not all Israelis are zionists.

@oshu@lemmy.world avatar

It depends on how you define the word ethnicity. Look it up and it can mean any group that shares a common religion, custom, language, etc.

Debating if something is a religion or an ethnicity is like debating if it is a Group or a Club or a population.


…while some other people get it wrong in exactly the opposite way (you know, the Khazar nonsense)

masquenox, (edited )

The mods here on lemmy.world needs to start taking stock of the fact that they give far, far too much leeway to the hasbara flooding this place with their pro-genocide bullcrap.

edit: It’s not the meme, nutburgers - it’s the comments.


How is this meme pro genocide? Did I mess something?


How is this meme pro genocide?

It’s not the meme… read the comments.


Welcome to arguing with conservatives

They were told something is bad and that’s as far as their brains can go


I’m generally concerned that people on each side of the political spectrum seem to lack any respect for the other side. It is bad for democracy and is bad for freedom.


Im fine to argue with people on anything

It’s the people who don’t want to argue that are the problem


So basically everyone here

Stamets, (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

I keep seeing comments littered across lemmy but do you know what I don’t see? Reports. So many people complaining about lack of moderation and absolutely no one is helping with that. You are included in that. How do I know that? Because Lemmy mods are able to see who makes the reports. There are none from this thread in general (outside of a couple of people using the report as a complaint button) but also zero reports from you specifically.

If you want active moderation then I might suggest actually bothering to call us. We’re not omniscient and omnipresent. We need to be notified. Stop trying to blame moderators here when you are just as fault. We have other shit to do. If you see something, say something. You don’t get to complain about mods not removing the comments when you’ve been supposedly seeing them and not lifting a single finger to point it out.

Edit: This is priceless. I’m looking through the comments and yeah, there are a couple to be removed for sure. But the funny thing is that most of the comments I’m seeing that need to be removed are yours. You have been acting wildly uncivil throughout this thread. There are a couple other comments that need to be removed but no single user in this thread has more problematic comments than you. Now I see why you didn’t report anything.


Stupid English doesn’t differentiate between citizenship and ethnicity


How is citizenship related to this post?


Oh, I see what they mean, but that’s probably racist


Ethnically or religiously?


Both. For example Ethiopian Jews

ArtikBanana, (edited )

It hasn’t been disproved that Ethiopian Jews are ethnically Jewish.
A genetic study showed a possible genetic link.

original2, (edited )

Yeah I’m saying that jews are not necessarily ethically and/or religiously white

They can be black, and Ethiopian jews (amongst others) overwhelmingly are


I actually did not know this. Please don’t eat me alive.


there go my lunch plans


Who are we going to eat instead? Can I come to your place?


As long as you’re not being a douchebag, or, if you were, you immediately stop being a douchebag, I don’t think anyone has basis to eat you alive.


I used to know a black guy that was German by heritage

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s a country, not an ethnicity or religion.

dustyData, (edited )

The point still stands. All those categories are social constructs and we morally shouldn’t make them dictate our behaviors towards others and we should treat all human beings with respect and dignity regardless of how they look or which group they belong to.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

The point was kinda weird to be honest.


His family came from Germany several generations back.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, thats… not that weird really.


Yes but most (racist) people just assume he’s from Africa.


In the US or what? Never seen that before.


nyet n yahoo doesn't care about them though.


🤣 нетняху


“nyet n yahoo”

Damn, that’s a good one!


Ok this is a legit question, not trying to troll or bait… Are there African or east Asian jews? Like Jewish communities in Ghana or Thailand for example?

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

First thing coming to mind are the Jews in Ethiopia.


There are East Asian Jews en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaifeng_Jews

ArtikBanana, (edited )

Ethiopian Jews, Indian Jews, and tiny communties of Chinese and Japanese Jews.

Edit: There are more, but those are mostly Jews that ran away / were expelled from other countries.
Like Jews in Thailand who fled Russia and Iran.


Interesting, I only hear of American, European or Middle East jews.


Indian Jews are also the only ones amongst Jewish communities who haven’t faced any discrimination. Despite their presence in India for around 2,000 years.

Melkath, (edited )

"Jewish" gets used with the loose definition of "people who have been expelled from their homeland."

Judaism is the religion formed by the people who were expelled from Egypt. They left Egypt to settle in Israel and establish Judaism.

Over the years, Christianity and Islam gained a foothold in the region, until the UN shoved the inhabitants of Israel into Palestine.

Arguably, modern Palestinians, who largely practice Islam, are Jews.

This leads me to the question, is the term "antisemitic" specific to Judaism or does it cover other types of Jews?

Depending on the answer, you can call modern Israel antisemitic against Palestinian Jews, who want their homeland back, or at the very least to stop being oppressed in the place that they were exiled to. This would make anyone who supports Israel antisemitic.

Edit: Bonus funfact, there is almost perfect overlap on how "Jew" gets used and how "Gypsy" get used. The key difference is that Jews TEND to move from an origin to a destination. Gypsies TEND to have an era of transience. Some Jews get displaced more than once before they can lay down roots. Some Gypsies get displaced so many times that they just go full on nomad/caravan lifestyle and never really stop moving around.

"Gypsy" and "Jew" don't have hard universally accepted definitions, and both of them are derogatory terms. People who identified with (or who were identified as) either of the 2 were targeted equally during the Holocaust, Gypsies were just more efficient at getting the fuck out before being loaded into the trains.

You should never say "I really got Jewed/Gypped by that guy." Both are EXTREMELY offensive terms, and people got sent to ovens over those words being used on them. The Holocaust was not all about Judaic Jews.


Thank you for the knowledgeable and helpful post

ExIsraeliAnarchist, (edited )

That person really doesn't seem to know what they're talking about (Jews did not originate in Egypt, the UN didn't "shove" anyone to the land, Jewish settlement has been continuous in the region, and after decades of pogroms which culminated in the Holocaust, many who were in the diaspora ended up returning since they didn't feel safe anywhere else, but more importantly, like so many fleeing war and genocide today - were simply not welcomed by the "allies". There is also no such argument that anyone who lives on that land qualifies as Jewish, that's not how Judaism works, there are Israelis and Palestinians of all and no religion), I recommend reading some actual sources for yourself if you want to know more:


And of course I have to defend myself in advance - despite all of the above, I am not denying that the state of Israel is occupying some lands illegally, and is oppressing and ethnically cleansing Palestine.
Both peoples have a rightful claim to parts of that land (and will, eventually, have to share other parts, or all die trying to be the only ones in control), and all deserve to live peacefully side by side on their homelands.


Like I said I asked the question in good faith and did not mean anything negative. It was out of pure ignorance and the desire to correct that ignorance.

I think the prime example of your point of “being on this land doesn’t make you Jewish” is the hagie sophiea. It’s a ancient place of worship that has been “owned” by multiple religions over the years.


Oh, my criticism wasn't of you, but of the person who replied to you with a load of nonsense. People tend to ignore/simplify/skew the history to fit their agenda (or are too lazy to make the kind of effort you are to understand), so it's good to look at the actual documented history.

As for the Hagia Sophia comparison, I can see where you're coming from, but this is all on a much bigger scale, which by default makes it much more complicated t figure out. But the first step is wanting to know, and you're there, so good job!

balderdash9, (edited )

People think that Jews in Israel are a monolith, but they actually come from different places and so have vastly different points of view.

For example, European Jews tend to favor a two-state solution whereas Arab and Russian Jews tend to disagree.


Disagree as in Free Palestine or as in eliminate all moslems?

roguetrick, (edited )

Free Palestine

You're missing one state solution. That's what's essentially going to happen as things go. They're depopulating gaza with the plan to eventually grant citizenship to the reduced population of Palestinians so they can maintain a jewish majority. West bank alone wouldn't cause a loss in majority, but Gaza would. They won't grant right of return. Though that is genocide.


But is that what the Arab Jews want?


Arab Jews were expelled from their homeland (every single Arab/Muslim country) so they don’t exactly have a fond memory of living among Muslims.

But they live just fine with Israeli Arabs and just as any other human being they want to live in peace.


Only after the creation of Israel and he Nabqa. Berore that Jews and Muslims lived mostly in peace.


Forgive me, but I’m going to copy-paste another post of mine.

Allahdad 1839 pogrom

Mawza Exile 1679-1680

Damascus Affair 1840

Granada Massacre 1066

1834 looting of Safed

And more
“In 1656, all Jews were expelled from Isfahan and forced to convert to Islam because of a common belief that their Jewishness was impure.”
“in 1661 they were allowed to revert to Judaism, although they were still required to wear a distinctive patch on their clothing.”


Meh, if you can call the dhimmi status a peaceful life, yeah I guess.

Anyway as soon as a Jewish state was declared, all the Arab countries attacked it, I wonder why. So now they didn’t want Jews in their Arab countries, and they didn’t want them in their Jewish country. So where exactly were they supposed to live?


They didn’t want a Jewish colonial state to start annexing Arab land and to drive out the native Arabs, which is exactly what has happened.


What do you mean colonial? Jews are indigenous to Judea and they’ve never left. All the lands were either bought to Arabs or conquered after wars that the Arabs themselves started.


Even in the first century, about half the Jews lived outside Judea and it went down from there. And it’s not like they were displaced by moslems. They just left.


I don’t think the word “colonial” means what you think it means.

But just to make sure, what do you think the word colonial means?


What are you talking about, where did you get that?

roguetrick, (edited )

That's a right winger position on the one state solution. I'm not implying that's the only position, but that's essentially the path Israel is walking down right now. The left wing one state solution is much less problematic.



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  • Annoyed_Crabby,

    Maybe if Netanyahu doesn’t sabotage the two state solution we might actually already see one today.


    So 100% of the responsibility is Israeli?


    Always have been, apologist.


    Of course it is the Jews’ fault, if they wouldn’t have existed, the Palestinians wouldn’t have wanted to kill them all and make Palestine Jew-free for the first time in 3,200 years.


    Of course it is the Jews’ fault,

    Oh look… the antisemites and white supremacists are conflating Jewishness with Israeli citizenship again.



    Oh look… the White Supremacism Fan Brigade has shown up.



    Disagree as in Arab Jews have kind of a trauma living among Muslims. Also what do you mean by free Palestine?


    Islam came about 1440 years ago. Muslims/ Arab empires ruled from Spain all the way to the borders of China and parts of eastern Europe for at least 800 years.

    If they really hated jewish people they wouldn’t be any by now.


    Rome came about more than 2000 years ago. They ruled Italy for at least a thousand years,and parts of Spain to Egypt for a long while.

    If they really hated Christians there wouldn’t be any by now.


    Yeah… the Romans hated Christianity so much they made it the state religion.

    Whine all you want… it doesn’t change the fact that antisemitism is a western invention.


    Bud, please be less ignorant if you’re going to act so authoritative. You have the world’s history at your fingertips, all a simple search away.



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  • Godric,


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  • masquenox,


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  • sukhmel, (edited )

    Ok, so if there will be Israeli Islamic Emirate, only that will prove you wrong?
    Edit: spelling


    Allahdad 1839 pogrom

    Mawza Exile 1679-1680

    Damascus Affair 1840

    Granada Massacre 1066

    1834 looting of Safed

    And more
    “In 1656, all Jews were expelled from Isfahan and forced to convert to Islam because of a common belief that their Jewishness was impure.”
    “in 1661 they were allowed to revert to Judaism, although they were still required to wear a distinctive patch on their clothing.”



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  • ArtikBanana,

    That’s one aggressive response.
    Apologist? To what exactly?

    it doesn’t change the fact that antisemitism is a western invention.

    This is what I replied to.
    The links in my reply detail antisemitism that doesn’t have an origin in the “west”.



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  • i3c8XHV,

    The fact that Europeans killed Jews doesn’t mean that Jews weren’t massacred in Muslim countries.

    What am I missing in your reply?

    Deceptichum, (edited )
    @Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

    And African Jews in Israel are secretly sterilised by the state so that they can’t have children. Leading to a 50% birth rate decline compared to other groups

    Reuben spoke to one woman who believed she had been given a flu vaccination and had no idea she had been injected with Depo-Provera.

    Another was pregnant with her fifth child when she arrived in the transit camp, where she would live for seven years. The woman in her thirties told Reuben that officials had gathered together all the new mothers in the camp and told them they would be given Depo-Provera as it would be too difficult for them to give birth Israel.

    "No, we didn't want to take it, we refused. We said we didn't want it," the unnamed woman recalls in the film. She agreed to the injections only because she was told her immigration to Israel would be blocked and she would receive no further healthcare in the camps if she refused.

    "This happened to many, many other women," Reuben said.

    Source: Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent' - Guardian


    Thousands of Ethiopian Jews were evacuated into Israel through covert operations by Israel.

    Assessing Claims That Ethiopian Immigrants to Israel Received Birth Control Shots Without Consent

    Stamets, (edited )
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Can you please edit your comment to reflect your source on this? For the record, I know the source and it’s just straight up factual with Israel outright confirming it happened, but yeah. Just to help prevent some reports. Thanks <3

    @Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

    Certainly, I’ll hop on my pc and do it shortly.

    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    Thanks buddy. No worries no hurries.


    Probably should replace the word sterilized with given contraceptives.

    They’re wildly different things.

    Stamets, (edited )
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    I am not the person who made the comment. If you have an issue with wording of it, take it up with the commenter. As it stands, it does not violate any community rules.


    Fair enough sorry - but it’s weird to bother asking for a source and then not caring that the source doesn’t back up the claim being made?

    Stamets, (edited )
    @Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

    If you have a problem with the content of the message, comment on that comment and take it up with that poster. As it stands this does not violate community rules and requires no moderator action.


    Probably should edit your comment from “secretly sterilized” to “allegedly secretly provided contraceptives”.

    Being sterilized and being given contraceptives are wildly different things.

    @Deceptichum@kbin.social avatar

    I wouldn’t want to lie.

    Israel can be held accountable for its crimes without white washing them, thanks.


    Sorry - does that mean you think contraception and sterilization are the same thing?


    It doesn’t. They’ve thanked you for calling them out on accuracy.


    Is that in a different post or comment I can’t see? Their original still refers to sterilization.

    nilloc, (edited )

    Yeah, I’m confused. Depo-Provera is a contraceptive that needs to be administered every 3 months to prevent pregnancy. And it doesn’t end a pregnancy, it’s been deemed safe for pregnant women and women who (unlikely but possibly) become pregnant after an injection.

    It also may help prevent some cancers of the reproductive tract.

    Skeptical of the guardians article or the message that people are taking from it.


    I think you are missing the point. Jewish people who live outside of Israel can’t be beholden to policies set by Israel. Its also important to note that Jewish is both a religion and a race.

    Don’t let the conflicts in Israel control your treatment of other humans. If we let hate overcome us we could end up with Holocaust type situations (it doesn’t even need to be Jewish hate)


    Also people who think all all Jews are Israelis. My wife is Canadian Jewish, and she’s not very religious or political. I’m Latino and I know more about Israel than she does, but people sometimes try to put Israel’s baggage on her or her family because of their ancestry. She considers herself Canadian, and her Jewish heritage is a cultural one, not a location.

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