The awkwardly adorable way seals move on land is called "galumphing" (…/galumphing_how_seals_move…
Massachusetts passed a millionaire's tax. Now, the revenue is paying for free public school lunches. (
Google seems to be blocking API access for Piped video servers ( Most servers are not able to access the Google API....
Am I? Who knows ( Source Page. Credit is to SMBC-Comics and even more credit to @aperson who noticed it was missing and found the credit in this comment. Sorry about that and thanks, you’re awesome aperson
Longtermism - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal ( Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Longtermism...
The awkwardly adorable way seals move on land is called "galumphing" (…/galumphing_how_seals_move…
Spotless giraffe born in a Tennessee zoo (
Massachusetts passed a millionaire's tax. Now, the revenue is paying for free public school lunches. (
Pirates, all of a sudden, discussing PAID options!!? How did we regress that far !? (
Google seems to be blocking API access for Piped video servers (
Most servers are not able to access the Google API....
Am I? Who knows (
Source Page. Credit is to SMBC-Comics and even more credit to @aperson who noticed it was missing and found the credit in this comment. Sorry about that and thanks, you’re awesome aperson
In Reading, Shapiro announces $46.5 million free breakfast program for PA students (
Seems about right (
wink wink nudge nudge (
Longtermism - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (
Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Longtermism...
MFW Risa is in read only mode (
Monty Trek? (