A small alteration would be to swap one of the female heads up top with a male, and go “Man, Chad guy never cries about anything. Is he even human?” You can even swap out Chad with chadette, depending on context.
I’ve seen a bunch of DS9 when it was fresh on TV especially when Worf joined in but there are a lot of missing episodes I haven’t seen yet. So the overall arching plot is known to me.
It’s these weird one off bottle episodes that are new to me.
I watched this for the first time yesterday. Going through DS9 starting from Season 1.
I don’t hate it, but it can be skipped as it has nothing to do with anything after. Actually the more I think about it the less I like it. I do like how the aliens are basically explorers just like Starfleet just different. That’s a spoiler but honestly who cares lol
Actually they haven’t played her once nor last year either. My guess is as soon as that song became a meme her record company upped the royalties and retail just cut it. Good.
Now. To destroy Last Christmas which is the Borg of Christmas music as every single artist on a record label must assimilate and make a LC cover in order to spam the poor defenseless retail workers.