Little shits under 5 are preprogrammed to fucking try to kill themselves at post haste it fucking seems. That’s why I support using those damn leashes for your suicidal toddler.
How the fuck did humans become the apex species when their young is hell bent into rushing into a sabertooths mouth?
Maybe we were never supposed to protect em lol that’s why the world pop only got above a billion when we started introducing “Hey let’s not let the kids kill themselves” ideas and laws.
The little Jimmy that decided he wanted to pet the Gator didn’t grow up to be Jimothy Bodangles, PHD.
I don’t know much about Gods, but my wife… she has this thing for Q. Says he can just appear anywhere, no need for a starship. These things, they bother me.
I cut out AvocadoToast™ and now I'm a millionaire. (
Factory (
logarithms (
translationSaw this on Weibo, LOL log(😅) = 💧log(😄)
Why not? (
Save your hard-earned Latinum on a long distance subspace carrier you can afford! (
Rule of Acquisition #14: Anything stolen is pure profit. Based on “a comment” by Kolanaki.
The call of the void is irresistible to toddlers (
From my collection of OC Trek memes. Not Princess Bride but close. (
It doesn’t even take special talents to do! (
Almost that time of year (
Stayin' Alive (
Calculus? Nah, bro, that's easy stuff (
My wife, she has a thing for transporter anomalies (