Tens of thousands of years ago, prehistoric humans in Europe adorned themselves with such a wide variety of beads that researchers have classified nine distinct cultural groups across the continent based on their location and distinctive styles....
Last summer, archaeologists from Gothenburg University and Kiel University excavated a dolmen, a stone burial chamber, in Tiarp near Falköping in Sweden. The archaeologists judge that the grave has remained untouched since the Stone Age. First analysis results now confirm that the grave in Tiarp is one of the oldest stone...
What exactly does ‘should’ mean here? Should in order to achieve what?
If you want to know what the word means at the expense of interrupting the flow, then yes.
If you want to stay with the flow, then no.
That said, it is so simple in almost all situations these days to look a definition up that I almost always do on the odd occasions that I find a word I don’t know. And the more you do, the less you will need to in future.
There is evidence that standing is better for the human body than sitting. For work we have standing desks for computer work and such. Some aim to stand 8+ hours a day....
When I was unemployed I used to walk waaaay more than I do now - both to get to places and just as a hobby - and I’d hope to do the same when retired, as long as I am fit enough. That’s walking though. Standing in one place is something that I find extremely wearing and have never done when not necessary. As I understand it this is fundamental to the nature of bipeds. To stand still, we constantly need to adjust balance. However, when walking, it is basically a continuous, controlled fall forwards, and takes less energy. For quadrupeds, it is the other way around: they are stable when standing, but require constant effort to walk or run.
I probably spend most of my reading time horizontal rather than sitting, but if I am reading when vertical then, again, it will be walking - or pacing around - rather than standing. I would seem really weird to simply stand there and read.
Archaeologists in Ukraine have discovered a 1,000-year-old cemetery whose dead were buried with weapons, jewelry and, curiously, buckets around some of their feet....
A Roman-era necropolis that likely holds the remains of the upper crust has been discovered in central Italy, and it contains nearly 60 graves replete with gold jewelry and the remains of leather footwear, pottery and other precious goods....
Archaeologists in Greece have unearthed part of one of the largest hydraulic projects from the ancient world: an aqueduct that the Roman emperor Hadrian built to supply water to the city of Corinth....
Depends what you mean by body language. I think that most can recognise basic facial expressions like happiness and fear before they can talk, and understand things like pointing and reaching for things to express interest etc.
The puzzling depiction of a vicious predator — either a dragon or a snake — devouring a frog on an early medieval belt buckle from the Czech Republic may be a symbol from an unknown pagan cult, archaeologists say....
Archaeologists in Germany have discovered a rolled-up piece of lead that they think could be a medieval “curse tablet” that invokes “Beelzebub,” or Satan....
Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have discovered two gold ornaments in a 1,500-year-old tomb that feature the earliest known depictions of the great khan, or “khagan,” of the Göktürks — a nomadic confederation of Turkic-speaking peoples who occupied the region for around three centuries, according to an archaeologist who...
I don’t think that I ever did feel like a kid when I went back to my parents for Christmas. Instead, it felt cloying, cluttered and claustrophobic - and as far as I can tell, it is entirely coincidental that all three of those start with ‘cl’. I felt out of place and constrained and it seemed irrelevant to anything else in my world. Mum and my siblings were all doing their usual things, but I felt in the same stiff, un-natural position that ‘posh’ visitors were always put in back when I was living there as a child. There was a sense that it was all a performance for my benefit - but one that never really convinced.
An electric vehicle owner has used her car’s emergency power system to run her 11-year-old son’s lifesaving dialysis machine and another has ridden to the rescue of his neighbours after devastating storms cut power in south-east Queensland....
This thread is for discussing what you are watching/watched recently. Let us know what you've seen recently whether it's old or new, good or bad, or anything in between. Obviously, movies are preferred, but feel free to post whatever you've been watching. Expect spoilers.
Typist Artist Pirate King (2023) - biopic of Audrey Amiss with a very effective portrayal of her paranoid schizophrenia.
The Creator (2023) - looked great but totally predictable and unoriginal.
A Field in England (2013) - surreal, low-key folk horror with some memorable BW cinematography.
Oppenheimer (2023) - powerful and great performances, but it could have been just as effective with 20 minutes cut IMHO.
The Miracle Club (2023) - nothing outstanding here, but a solidly told tale of forgiveness.
Lair of the White Worm (1988) - as messily uneven as ever. Amanda Donahue seemed to know what Loach Russell was aiming for. Not sure about anyone else.
Archaeologists have found hundreds of preserved artefacts within the remnants of the HMS Erebus nearly two centuries after it sank in Arctic Canada....
The remnants of a bronze age tomb once thought to have been destroyed and lost to history have been discovered in County Kerry on the Atlantic coast of Ireland....
A broken 2,500-year-old silver coin unearthed near Jerusalem is rare evidence that early currency was used in ancient Judea, according to archaeologists....
A roughly 3,000-year-old stone disk covered with enigmatic markings is actually an ancient celestial map marking the brightest stars in the night sky, researchers claim....
Egypt pyramid renovation sparks debate (phys.org)
Prehistoric jewelry reveals 9 distinct cultures across Stone Age Europe (www.livescience.com)
Tens of thousands of years ago, prehistoric humans in Europe adorned themselves with such a wide variety of beads that researchers have classified nine distinct cultural groups across the continent based on their location and distinctive styles....
Have you ever seen coal burn? If yes, why?
In person I mean....
Excavated dolmen in Sweden one of the oldest in Scandinavia (phys.org)
Last summer, archaeologists from Gothenburg University and Kiel University excavated a dolmen, a stone burial chamber, in Tiarp near Falköping in Sweden. The archaeologists judge that the grave has remained untouched since the Stone Age. First analysis results now confirm that the grave in Tiarp is one of the oldest stone...
Engraving on 2,000-year-old knife thought to be oldest runes in Denmark (www.theguardian.com)
Inscription on knife discovered by archaeologist in grave on island of Funen spells hirila, which means ‘little sword’...
If you're reading something and you don't understand a word, should you stop and research it or should you keep reading the whole thing first?
What really popular movie or TV show have you never seen?
When I tell people I’ve never seen the Lion King they are really baffled by that.
Non-computer standing furniture
There is evidence that standing is better for the human body than sitting. For work we have standing desks for computer work and such. Some aim to stand 8+ hours a day....
1,000-year-old cemetery with dead wearing dramatic rings on their necks and buckets on their feet found in Ukraine (www.livescience.com)
Archaeologists in Ukraine have discovered a 1,000-year-old cemetery whose dead were buried with weapons, jewelry and, curiously, buckets around some of their feet....
Ancient Roman necropolis holding more than 60 skeletons and luxury goods discovered in central Italy (www.livescience.com)
A Roman-era necropolis that likely holds the remains of the upper crust has been discovered in central Italy, and it contains nearly 60 graves replete with gold jewelry and the remains of leather footwear, pottery and other precious goods....
Part of Hadrian's 1,800-year-old aqueduct and rare Greek coins unearthed near Corinth (www.livescience.com)
Archaeologists in Greece have unearthed part of one of the largest hydraulic projects from the ancient world: an aqueduct that the Roman emperor Hadrian built to supply water to the city of Corinth....
Suggestions for movies and TVseries that (attempt to) criticise the super rich?
Succession, Parasite, The Joker, Mr. Robot, How to blow up a pipeline, The Edukators… Would love to hear about more
2,700-year-old temple with altar overflowing with jewel-studded offerings unearthed on Greek island (www.livescience.com)
Archaeologists in Greece have discovered a 2,700-year-old temple that houses a horseshoe-shaped altar overflowing with offerings....
Do you first develop the abillity to read body language, or do you first learn how to speak?
As a child I mean.
Medieval belt buckle of 'dragon' eating frog discovered in Czech Republic may be from unknown pagan cult (www.livescience.com)
The puzzling depiction of a vicious predator — either a dragon or a snake — devouring a frog on an early medieval belt buckle from the Czech Republic may be a symbol from an unknown pagan cult, archaeologists say....
Medieval 'curse tablet' summoning Satan discovered at the bottom of a latrine in Germany (www.livescience.com)
Archaeologists in Germany have discovered a rolled-up piece of lead that they think could be a medieval “curse tablet” that invokes “Beelzebub,” or Satan....
1,500-year-old gold buckles depicting ruler 'majestically sitting on a throne' discovered in Kazakhstan (www.livescience.com)
Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have discovered two gold ornaments in a 1,500-year-old tomb that feature the earliest known depictions of the great khan, or “khagan,” of the Göktürks — a nomadic confederation of Turkic-speaking peoples who occupied the region for around three centuries, according to an archaeologist who...
When you go home for the holidays, do you ever stop feeling like a kid?
‘Amazing’: Queensland mum uses electric car to ‘save’ son’s life with dialysis during power outage (www.theguardian.com)
An electric vehicle owner has used her car’s emergency power system to run her 11-year-old son’s lifesaving dialysis machine and another has ridden to the rescue of his neighbours after devastating storms cut power in south-east Queensland....
What are you watching? (DECEMBER 2023) (i.gzn.jp)
This thread is for discussing what you are watching/watched recently. Let us know what you've seen recently whether it's old or new, good or bad, or anything in between. Obviously, movies are preferred, but feel free to post whatever you've been watching. Expect spoilers.
90,000-year-old human footprints found on a Moroccan beach are some of the oldest and best preserved in the world (www.livescience.com)
Two trails of ancient human footprints pressed into a beach in Morocco form one of the largest and best-preserved trackways in the world....
Archeologists find hundreds of preserved artefacts in 200-year-old ship wreckage (www.independent.co.uk)
Archaeologists have found hundreds of preserved artefacts within the remnants of the HMS Erebus nearly two centuries after it sank in Arctic Canada....
Remains of ‘lost’ bronze age tomb discovered in County Kerry in Ireland (www.theguardian.com)
The remnants of a bronze age tomb once thought to have been destroyed and lost to history have been discovered in County Kerry on the Atlantic coast of Ireland....
'Extremely rare' 2,500-year-old broken silver coin unearthed near Jerusalem (www.livescience.com)
A broken 2,500-year-old silver coin unearthed near Jerusalem is rare evidence that early currency was used in ancient Judea, according to archaeologists....
Are 3,000-year-old carvings from Italy a star map? Researchers can't agree. (www.livescience.com)
A roughly 3,000-year-old stone disk covered with enigmatic markings is actually an ancient celestial map marking the brightest stars in the night sky, researchers claim....